Monday, January 4, 2021



6. Definisi Operasional & Organisasi Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesis


Bab 1 seterunya kita pergi 1.8 iaitu definisi operasional. Okey agak sukar ya kadang-kadang pelajar ni dia agak keliru, operasional bermakna tentang definisi yang tentang kajian kita jalankan bukan definisi konsep. Bukanlah definisi macam contoh ada pelajar pergi buat apa makna tekstual. Satu animasi, satu cerita, satu rakyat, satu Melayu, itu salah ya. Kita bukan nak definisi itu. Kalau definisi tiap-tiap satu inilah pelajar akan rujuk kamus dewan je. Dia rujuk semua jenis kamus. Tak mahu. Jangan. Jadi operasional iaitu tentang kajian kita. Jadi biasanya definisi operasional ini minima dua ataupun maksima paling maksima pun tiga. Tentang bagaimana kita nak jalankan kajian ni supaya bila pembaca, baca baru faham. Owh ini maksudnya. Jadi kalau kita tunjuk tajuk ini kitab oleh ambil satu wacana tekstual. Okey lagi satu skrip, animasi, cerita rakyat Melayu. Boleh kalau kita nak ambil bezakan skrip animasi. Jadi satu skrip animasi yang takde kaitan pulak skrip animasi apa. Jadi kitab boleh teruskan untuk tajuk ini mungkin ada dua. Tajuk yang lain mungkin ada tiga. Kalau kita ambil tajuk daripada kejuruteraan. Contohnya, mungkin operasional ada banyak. Sebab kita dia ada banyak dia punya pembolehubah dekat dalam tu. Kalau daripada apa nama yang kalau buat tesis science pun begitu. Ada banyak pembolehubah yang membolehkan kita membuat definisi operasional. Supaya pemeriksa faham apa kaitan tu dalam dengan dalam tesis tersebut. Kalau dari segi, kalau kita tengok tesis dan bentuk ekonomi pun begitu. Kita ada banyak dia punya pembolehubah. Jadi akan mungkin lebih daripada tiga. Jadi untuk yang ini kita fokus kepada dua. Ni saya bagi contoh ya. Jadi awak boleh berat dalam macam ni. Kemudia letak contohnya wacana dan tekstual. Tapi wacana tekstual ni awak nak kaji nak buat definisi operasional ni mesti berkaitan dengan kajian. Ya mesti berkaitan dengan kajian dan pastikan bahawa bukanlah yang bermakna yang kena ambil rujukan daripada perlu ada rujukan. Ini perlu ada rujukan. Ada satu cara, satu maknanya awak buat wacana tekstual. Orang kata apa berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Wacana tekstual yang berfokus kepada skrip animasi. Wacana ini yang berfokus kepada skrip animasi. Wacana ini wacana tekstual ini akan di analisis dengan menggunakan tiga elemen. Ni contoh lah ya. Contoh tiga elemen iaitu kandungan konteks dan andaian. Jadi wacana tekstual menurut buku Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), wacana tekstual boleh jadi rujukan. Dia juga 1.8.2 iaitu skrip animasi cerita rakyat ni. Jadi ini kenalah berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Apa dia huraikan serba ringkas. Skrip animasi, cerita rakyat ini terdiri daripada 20 cerita sebab dalam awak punya tesis, awak punya analisis 20 cerita. Jadi ni cerita tersebut skrip berbentuk apa dia. Jadi huraian mungkin yang ini skrip animasi, cerita rakyat ni awak huraikan ialah kita nak berkaitan tentang kajian kita. Jadi takde rujukan awak nak letak takpe boleh diterima sebab definisi yang ini memang berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Jadi ada dua cara. Satu cara mempunyai rujukan. Ini ada rujukan jadi yang kedua tiada rujukan maknanya awak buat huraian. Huraian tentang wacana tekstual tu dari segi konteks awak punya tesis. Jadi takde rujukan. Dia boleh diterima tetapi macam saya katakan sebelum ini. Rujuk penyelia. Kalau rujuk pengenalan, penyelia ada macam saya katakana sebelum ini. Ini kita berbeza pendapat. Berbeza sekolah jadi difference school of tough. Jadi pemikiran kita berbeza. Jadi pemikiran penyelia kalau ada satu juta penyelia kita ada satu juta pemikiran yang berbeza. Jadi terpulang kepada penyelia. Jadi kalau saya tiba-tiba hari ini saya kata okey memang tak perlu sebab bagi saya definisi operasional ni tentang kajian bagaimana awak nak jalankan kajian. Nama pun operasional. Jalankan kajian bahan kita nak definisi konsep bukannya kita apa jadi kalau ada rujukan pastikan kalau nak buat rujukan tak boleh ya. Ini tak boleh rujuk kamus. Dah kenapa nak rujuk kamus. Tak payah. Kena rujuk daripada kajian-kajian. Banyaknya rujuk kamus yang kata menurut Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, wacana tekstual iyalah bla bla bla. Tak boleh. Tak boleh itu pun kita pun tahu. Jangalah rujuk kamus. Dah kenapa kan. Jadi kita rujuk rujukan. Rujukan kajian-kajian daripada orang lain ya. Saya kata satu boleh rujuk kedua tiada rujukan boleh dan terpulang kepada penyelia masing-masing. Jadi kalau diterima itu iyalah akurlah. Ikut cakap dia. Jadi sekarang ini kalau kita lihat setelah ambil definisi operasional. Kita ada teruskan iaitu kat belakang ini ada ya subtopik 1.9 iaitu organisasi  kajian. Okey organisasi kajian ini sebenarnya terpulang kepada individu. Kepada pelajar  dan juga penyelia. Yang ini biasanya saya akan suruh untuk pelajar PHD. Pelajar PHD saya akan suruh letakkanlah organisasi kajian. Kadang-kadang pelajar Master pun boleh kalau tak letak pun takpe. Ini boleh pilih. Jika perlu organisasi kajian ini awak buat dalam bentuk perenggan. Jadi perenggan pertama apa ada dalam bab 1. Kemudian perenggan seterusnya perenggan 1 apa ada dalam bab 1. Perenggan 2 apa dalam bab 2 perenggan 3 ni kita nak organisasi. Kita nak buat secara ringkas supaya bila penyelia baca dia rasa owh bab 1 ada bend ani rupanya. Bab 2 ada bend ani rupanya. Bab 3 ada ni, jadi organisasi penyusunan. Penyusunan tesis kita secara teratur. Jadi perenggan dalam ringkas sahaja. Ringkas sahaja kerana macam saya nyatakan kat sebelum ini setiap baba da pengenalan. Pengenalan tu kita dah katakana dah apa ada dalam bab tesebut. Tetapi dalam organisasi kajian ini kita kena nyatakanlah secara ringkas apa ada dalam tiap-tiap perenggan. Jadi untuk pelajar PHD memang saya wajibkan supaya dia sendiri boleh faham apa ada dalam tiap-tiap bab. Kalau pelajar Master bolehlah kalau dia nak barat. Tak barat pun takpe. Pelajar bachelor pun takpe. Diploma pun takde masalah kalau ada yang nak buat. Pokoknya terpulang kepada penyelia. Dan akhir sekali 1.10 baru masuk kesimpulan. Semua dah saya macam saya katakana tadi semua dah mesti ada kesimpulan. Takde kesimpulan manalah boleh. Kita nak simpulkan apa ada dalam bab tersebut. Jadi ada yang saya dapati tesis takde kesimpulan tentang macam ni. Bila tergantung habis je terlupa yang ini. Jadikan, kita tengok dah masuk bab 2. Jadi takde kaitan langsung dengan bab 2. Tak boleh. Kita kena ada kesimpulan, kesimpulan ini kita simpulkan apa ada dalam bab 1 dan juga ingat ayat akhir. Ayat akhir kita kena letak kaitakan dengan bab seterusnya. Bab seterusnya iaitu bab 2 akan membincangkan sorotan kajian bla bla bla. Jadi bolehlah kita dapati bahawa ada kesinambungan antara bab 1 dan bab 2. Jadi serupa juga macam saya terangkan dalam bab 2 lain. Dalam bab kesimpulan mestilah ayat akhir mesti ad akita nyatakan apa ada dalam bab seterusnya. Jadi penting ada kesimpulan. Tapi tulah macam saya katakana tadi, different crost  tough. Jadi bila berbeza takpelah kita redha dan kita terima. Okey dah bab 1. Ini kita dah bersemangat dah bab 1 kita ni maknanya kita dah habis bab 1. Lupa nak cakap berapa halaman bab 1 ya prof? Okey bab 1 ini kita biasanya halaman ya, halaman bab 1 ni kita sebab kita dah masuk dia punya orang kata apa latar belakanglah, persoalan, kita punya masalah kajian semua tu lebih kurang lapan hingga 10 sahaja. Inikan yang saya katakan ada pelajar letak sampai 30 halaman dia akan jadi macam seolah-olah buat sorotan kajian. Itu dah salah sebab masalah kajian kita ambil betul-betul penting masukkan dekat dalam tu. Sedangkan kita tahu bahawa dalam bab 2 memang banyak ada jurang dekat situ. Jadi itu pun semua adalah masalah tetapi kita ambil yang penting sahaja. Jadi bila dia letak masalah kajian itu ada 30 bermakna dah memang jadi sebanyak 15 halaman dijadikan 30. Dah salah dah. Sebabnya yang penting sekarang ini dia akan jadi samalah dengan bab 2. Dia jadi masalah kajian itu perenggan lebih. Bersemangat sangat dia tulis permasalahan kajian dia jadi 15 halaman. Ya itu memanglah sikit dah jadi macam sorotan kajian. Dah jadi salah. Jadi saya katakana tadi permasalahan kajian itu kita fokuskan ikut objektif. Objektif ada dua. Dua perenggan masalah kajian, objektif ada tiga, tiga perenggan ia dapat padat dekat dalam tu. Walaupun ringkas tetapi padat. Jadi dikaitkan dengan objektif tapi yang selebihnya sorotan ataupun jurang penyelidikan yang lain mempunyai masalah ada dalam bab 2. Jadi pelajar boleh rujuk disitu. Jadi ni kita buang kita letak lebih kurang macam ni. Paling lebih 12 muka surat. Tapi jangan kurang daripada lapan. Dah jadi macam kurang halaman. Jadi lebih sikit boleh. Kalau nak sampai 15 pun boleh. Boleh diterima. Sebab mungkin dia bersemangat nak tulis latar belakang., Tak ada masalah. Tetapi janganlah lebih. Lebih sampai 15. 15 tu orang kata dah tak bolehlah kita takut dia jadi seperti macam saya katakana tadi seperti sebulat bab 2. Jangan. Jadi bila bab 2 tu mulalah pemeriksa akab clash ini tak boleh. Ini tak boleh. Clash dia potong-potong. Saya kalau misalnya panjang sangat saya lipat halaman terus saya Tulis kat sini sepatutnya masuk bab 2. Sebab masa viva senang saya ingat yang saya lipat tu adalah setebal-tebalnya yang ada kertas pun ada masalah kajian. Sebab dia berleter je lebih dekat dalam tu entah pape menurut pendapat sayalah. Bukan saya maksudkannya pendapat dia. Dia kata ianya seperti bahawa pelajar ini memang tidak suka belajar. Masa tu baca kertas awak tu siapa yang awak kata awak dapati dia boleh tengok sekali. Itu dia kata pelajar tak suka mengira contohnya. Dia dapati sekali itu pun dia tengok anak buah dia masa raya. Masa raya yang dia jumpa dua minit. Lepastu dia kata anak buah dia pergi main dekat belakang. Itu dia dapati budak tak nak mengira 1 sampai 20. Dia tidak tahu bahawa hari raya siapa pulak nak mengira 1 sampai 20. Kena pulak buat ujian, ujian depan bapak saudara. Nak kena baca sifir pulak kat depan tu. Kalau di abaca sifir dapat duit raya banyak tidak apa la juga. Okey jadi kita ingat ya dalam bab 1.


Definition of Operational & Study Organization (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis


Chapter 1 next we go 1.8 which is the operational definition. Okay, it's a bit difficult, sometimes student is a bit confused, operational means about the definition of the study we are conducting is not a definition of a concept. It is not a definition of an example where students go for what textual meaning. The animation, the story, the people, the Malays, it is yes. We do not want that definition. If the definition of each of these is the student will refer to the board dictionary. He referred to all types of dictionaries. I don’t want like that. Don't. So operational that is about our study. So, usually this operational definition is a minimum of two or a maximum of at least three. About how we want to conduct this study so that when the reader understands. This is what it means. So, if we show the title of this book by taking a textual discourse. Okay again the script, animation, Malay folklore. Yes, if we want to differentiate between animated scripts. So, an animated script that has nothing to do with any animated script. So, the book can go on for this title there may be two. Other titles may have three. If we take a title from engineering. For example, there may be many operations. Because we have a lot, he has variables close in there. If from what name if you do a science thesis. There are many variables that allow us to make operational definitions. So that the examiner understands what the connection has to do with the thesis. In terms of, if we look at the thesis and the economic form as well. We have a lot he has variables. So, there will probably be more than three. For this one we focus on two. Let me give you an example. You can writes like this. Then place for example discourse and textual. But this textual discourse you want to study to make this operational definition must be related to the study. Yes, it must be related to the study and make sure that it does not mean that there should be a reference than there should be a reference. This needs to be a reference. There is one way, one means you make a textual discourse. People say what is relevant to your study. Textual discourse focused on animated scripts. This discourse focuses on animated scripts. This discourse this textual discourse will be analyzed using three elements. Here is an example. Examples of three elements are contextual content and assumptions. So textual discourse according to the book Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), textual discourse can be a reference. He is also 1.8.2 which is the animated script of this folklore. So, this has to do with your research. What he described briefly. Animated script, this folk tale consists of 20 stories because in you have a thesis, you have an analysis of 20 stories. This is the story of what the script is like. So, the possible explanation that this is an animated script, this folk tale you describe is that we want to be relevant about our study. So, no reference you want to place cannot be accepted because this definition is indeed related to your study. So, there are two ways. One way is to having a reference. This has a reference so the second one has no reference meaning you make a description. The description of the textual discourse in terms of the context you have a thesis. So, no reference. He is acceptable but as I said before. Consult a supervisor. If you refer to the introduction, the supervisor is like I said before. This we disagree. Different schools become different schools of tough. So, our thinking is different. So, the thoughts of the supervisor if there are one million of our supervisor we have a million different thoughts. So, it is up to the supervisor. So, if I suddenly today say okey there is no need for me to give this operational definition of the study of how you want to conduct the study. The name is operational. Do a study of the material we want to define the concept instead of us what so if there is a reference make sure if you want to make a reference cannot. This does not refer to the dictionary. Why do you want to refer to the dictionary. No need. Must refer to studies. Many refer to dictionaries that say according to the Fourth Edition Board Dictionary, textual discourse is blah blah blah. Cannot. We can't even know that. Do not refer to the dictionary. Why? So, we refer to the reference. Reference studies from others yes. I said one can refer the second no referral can and it is up to the respective supervisor. So, if it is accepted, then agree. Follow him. So now if we look after taking the operational definition. We have to continue that behind this there is yes subtopic 1.9 which is the study organization. Okay the organization of this study is actually up to the individual. To students as well as supervisors. This one I usually recommend for PHD students. My PHD student will tell you to set up a study organization. Sometimes Master students can even if they don't put it. This is optional. If necessary the organization of this study you do in the form of paragraphs. So, what is the first paragraph in chapter 1. Then the next paragraph is paragraph 1 what is in chapter 1. Paragraph 2 what in chapter 2 paragraph 3 we want to organize. We want to make it brief so that when the supervisor reads its he feels chapter 1 there is a bend any apparently. Chapter 2 there is a bend apparently. Chapter 3 is here, so organization organization. Regular preparation of our thesis. So, paragraph in brief only. It's simple because like I said before, every baba is an introduction. That introduction we have already said what is in that chapter. But in the organization of this study we have to state briefly what is in each paragraph. So, for PHD students, I am obligated so that he himself can understand what is in each chapter. If he is a Master student, he can if he wants to go west. Not even west. Bachelor students are not allowed. Diplomas are not a problem if anyone wants to do it. The point is up to the supervisor. And finally, 1.10 just came to the conclusion. Everything I did like I said earlier, everything must have a conclusion. There is no conclusion where it can be. We want to conclude what is in the chapter. So, I found that the thesis did not draw conclusions about this kind. When it hangs, I forget this one. So, we see that it has entered chapter 2. So, it has nothing to do with chapter 2. It cannot. We have to have a conclusion, this conclusion we summarize what is in chapter 1 and also remember the last sentence. Our final sentence has to do with the next chapter. The next chapter which is chapter 2 will discuss the highlights of the study blah blah blah. So, we can find that there is a continuation between chapter 1 and chapter 2. So, it is similar as I explained in others chapter 2. In the conclusion chapter must be the final sentence must ad akita state what is in the next chapter. So, it is important to have a conclusion. But the plague like I said earlier, different crost tough. So, when it is different, we must not be satisfied and we accept. Okay, chapter 1. Now we are excited about chapter 1, this means we have finished chapter 1. I forgot to say how many pages of chapter 1, prof? Okay this chapter 1 we usually pages, this page chapter 1 we because we have entered he has people say what the background is, questions, we have a study problem all about eight to 10 only. Here I say there are students who put up to 30 pages he will be as if to make a study highlight. That is wrong because the problem of our study is really important to put close in there. While we know that in chapter 2 there are many gaps near there. So even that is all a problem but we take only the important ones. So, when he puts the problem of the study there are 30 means that it has become 15 pages into 30. It is wrong. The important reason now is that he will be the same as chapter 2. He is the problem of the study paragraph more. Very enthusiastic he wrote the problems of his study so 15 pages. Yes, of course it has become a bit of a study highlight. It went wrong. So, I said earlier that the problem of the study we focused on following the objectives. There are two objectives. Two paragraphs of the study problem, the objective is three, three paragraphs it can be dense close in there. Although simple but compact. So, it is related to the objective but the rest of the highlights or other research gaps have problems in chapter 2. So, students can refer there. So here we throw our place more or less like this. At most 12 pages. But not less than eight. It has become like less pages. So, a little more can. If you want to reach 15, you can. Acceptable. Because maybe he is eager to write the background., No problem. But do not overdo it. More until 15. 15 people say we cannot be afraid of him so like I said earlier as a whole chapter 2. Do not. So, when chapter 2 starts, the examiner will not be able to clash. This is not possible. Clash him in pieces. For example, if I am very long, I will fold the page and I will write it here. It should go into chapter 2. Because the viva time I was happy to remember that I folded it is as thick as paper and there is a study problem. I do not mean his opinion. He said it was like that this student did not like to study. At that time, read your paper, who did you say you found he could see once. That he said students do not like to count for example. He found that once he looked at his men during the feast. The time he spent was two minutes. Then he said his men went to play near the back. That he found the boy did not want to count 1 to 20. He did not know that on Eid who would want to count 1 to 20. He had to go for a test, the next test of your uncle. I want to read the cipher at the front. If you can read a lot of Raya money, it doesn't matter. Okay so we remember yes in chapter 1.

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Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Jom Tulis Tesis!. Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia

Kehadiran minggu 11:



5. Kepentingan Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesis

Bab 1, 1.6 Kepentingan Kajian, okay kepentingan kajian ini memang kita kena aaaa ceritakan atau jelaskan dengan lebih terperinci kerana di sini biasanya  kita dalam borang pemeriksa, kita ada satu bahagian yang menunjukkan apakah kepentingan kajian ini. Kalau kajian tak penting kenapa pula kita nak jalankan kajian.  Jadi sebab itulah ada kepentingan yang kita jalankan kajian. Jadi untuk bahagian ini kita akan tulis dengan menggunakan subtopik. Jadi subtopik kepentingan kajian ini dibawahnya kita ada lagi subtopik yang lain. Jadi yang bahagian ini aaaa kita kena ambil ye kalau contohnya sekarang kajian kita tentang wacana tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat, jadi kajian ini penting kerana apa, untuk siapa, jadi kita kena nyatakan. Tapi dalam kepentingan kajian ini kita kena jelaskan mengikut yang besar dahulu jadi kalau daripada kajian ini kita lihat mungkinlah kepentingan kepada masyarakat. Jadi apa dia, kena huraikan bawah ini aaa jadi masyarakat itu besar jadi bila besar itu kita huraikan dalam satu perenggan. Kemudian kita kecilkan lagi 1.6.2 apa yang kecik lagi, contohnya Kementerian Pelajaran atau Kementerian Pendidikan contohnya. Jadi letak tajuk ini maknanya kajian ini penting untuk yang ini. Jadi huraikan bawah dia tapi pastikan bila kita nak huraikan itu kita kaitkan balik dengan kajian kita, makna tajuk kita itu kajian kita dari segi mana dari sudut mana yang penting itu. Kemudian turun lagi yang kecil lagi mungkin sekolah dari sudut mana, dari segi mana yang pentingnya kajian ini. Jadi adakah ia penting kepada errr kepada cikgu sahaja guru besar ataupun pelajar jadi itu yang lain pulak jadi yang ini kita boleh letak pelajar jadi daripada besar hinggalah ke kecil. Jadi sekarang ini pelajar dari segi mana yang pentingnya huraikan pula satu perenggan kemudian yang yang sini mungkinlah dari guru sebab guru perlu menyediakan bahan untuk Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PNP).  Jadi kita huraikan daripada segi apa jadi dalam ini kadang kala ada dapati aaaa ada penyelia yang menyatakan bahawa setiap huraian dekat dalam ini yang awak sudah jelaskan untuk subtopik ini perlu disokong dengan kajian sarjana lain ataupun kajian-kajian lain. Boleh juga sebenarnya macam saya katakan terpulang kepada penyelia kerana saya ulang sekali lagi iaitu kita ini penyelia semua mempunyai Different skill of thought okay pemikiran kita berbeza jadi mungkin ada penyelia kataa “okay awak letak sokong, awak letak sokongan untuk setiap satu kenapa pentingnya kepada masyarakat, kenapa pentingnya kepada kementerian, kenapa sekolah, kenapa pelajar, kenapa guru”. Jadi kena ada sokong, jadi macam saya kalau dia huraikan dekat sini sebab, bagi saya ialah kepentingan kajian ini menurut kajian awak sendiri.  Jadi bila kita buat huraian yang disini harus berkait rapat dengan kajian kita maknanya huraikan dari sudut mana pentingnya.  Jadi bila kita buat huraian kalau bagi saya kalau tidak ada rujukan pun tidak mengapa kerana huraian yang awak tulis dalam ini sudah cukup jelas untuk setiap satu betapa pentingnya tiap-tiap satu ini betapa pentingnya kajian ini kepada masyarakat ke kementerian sekolah, pelajar dan guru. Jumlah kepentingan ini biasanya ialah takkan kita nak letak satu kepentingan sahaja nampak sangat tak penting kajian ini. Jadi kita biasanya kita akan letaklah minima 3 maksima 5 ini biasalah kalau misalnya nak lebih dari 5 boleh aa tetapi kalau terlampau banyak sangat mungkin yang banyak itu dalam kategori yang sama aa jadi tidak perlulah kita nak letak banyak sangat  subtopik. Kita boleh cantumkan supaya ianya boleh menjadi satu. Hal ini kerana apabila terlalu banyak kadang-kadang sebagai pemeriksa kita lihat “okay kenapa ini sama dengan yang ini contoh okay ini sama dengan ini.. ini sama dengan itu kenapa awak perlu huraikan aaaa nak pecah-pecahkan dia pula”. Jadi kalau minima 3 okay jadi kita boleh kumpulkan. Jadi ingat ye bila buat penyusunan kepentingan kajian ini mestilah daripada besar. Masyarakat itu luas kecil, kecil, kecil, akhirnya individu ke pelajar, guru.


5. Importance of the Study (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis

Chapter 1, 1.6 Importance of the Study, okay the importance of this study we do have to aaaa tell or explain in more detail because here we are usually in the form of examiner, we have a section that shows what the importance of this study. If research is not important, why do we want to conduct research. So that is why there is importance that we conduct research. So for this section we will write using subtopics. So subtopics the importance of this study under which we have other subtopics. So this part aaaa we have to take ye if for example now our study on the textual discourse of the animated script of folklore, so this study is important because what, for whom, so we have to state. But in the importance of this study we have to explain according to from the big party first so if from this study we see it may be important to society. So we have to describe in the paragraph that community is big so when it is big we will describe it in one paragraph first. Then we shrink again 1.6.2 which is much smaller, aaaa for example the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Education for example. So put this title means this study is important for this one. So explain below it, but make sure when we want to explain it we link back to our study, the meaning of our title is our study in which aspect from which angle is important. Then go down a little more maybe school from which angle, in which aspect the importance of this study. So is it important to errr to the teacher only the headmaster or the student so that is the other. So this one we can place students from big to small. So now the students in terms of which is important to describe a paragraph later which here may be from the teacher because the teacher needs to provide materials for Teaching and Learning (PNP). So we describe in terms of what, so this sometimes there are aaaa there are supervisors who state that every close description in this that you have explained for this subtopic should be supported by other scholarly studies or other studies. It can also be true as I say it depends on the supervisor because I repeat again that we supervisors all have Different skills of thought okay our thoughts are different so there may be a supervisor saying “okay you put support, you support for each other and why it is important to society, why it is important to the ministry, why schools, why students, why teachers ”. So there must be support, so like me if he describes near here the reason, for me is the importance of this study according to your own research. So when we make the description here should be closely related to our study it means explain from which angle it is important. So when we make a description, if for me if there is no reference it does not matter because the description you wrote in this is already clear enough for each one how important each one is how important this study is to the community to the ministry of schools, students and teachers. The total importance of this is usually that we do not want to place only one interest seems very insignificant this study. So we usually we will put a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 is normal if for example we want more than 5 can aa but if too many it is very possible that many are in the same category aa so there is no need for us to put a lot of very subtopics. We can put it together so that it can be one. This is because when there are too many sometimes as examiners we see "okay why is this the same as this example okay this is the same as this .. this is the same as that why you need to explain aaaa want to break him as well". So if a minimum of 3 is okay then we can collect. So remember that when compiling the importance of this study must be from large. The community is small, small, small, finally individual to students, teachers.

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4. Batasan Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesis

Jadi kita sambung dalam bab 1, kita ada 1.7 iaitu batasan kajian. Yang ini juga pelajar selalu buat silap ataupun dia terlupa nak letak. Jadi biasanya, kalau saya cadangkan dalam penulisan batasan kajian, mulanya awak boleh buat dalam bentuk jadual. Okay dalam bentuk jadual. Jadi ini batasan dia. Yang ini justifikasi. Batasan kajian ini ialah kita nak menyatakan apa justifikasi. Kenapa kita pilih sampel itu? Kenapa kita pilih instrumen itu? Kenapa kita buat soal selidik? Jadi kita kena letak. Contohnya kita letak batasan 20 pelajar. 20 pelajar SK Serdang. Contoh dia. Okay. Jadi beri justifikasi. Kenapa awak pilih 20 pelajar ini. Okay. 20 pelajar tadi awak pilih pula 9 tahun. Okay. Kenapa awak pilih? Kenapa awak pilih pelajar 20 pelajar daripada SK Serdang? Jadi kalau jumlah dia, kenapa 20? Kenapa tak 30? Kenapa tak 21? Kenapa tak 19? Beri justifikasi. Kemudian, kenapa SK Serdang? Kalau SK Serdang awak nak letak yang kedua boleh. Kenapa SK Serdang? Jadi nyatakan. Kenapa tak sekolah dekat Perlis? Kenapa bukan sekolah dekat Terengganu. Jadi awak kena beri justifikasi kenapa sekolah ini. Kemudian ada lagi. Kenapa. Apa pemilihan awak punya. Biasanya batasan kajian awak ni daripada awak ambil daripada metodologi. Okay. Daripada metodologi tentang dia punya sampel ataupun dia punya responden. Lokasi kajian ataupun awak pakai buku. Buku teks bahasa Melayu tingkatan 5. Kenapa? Kenapa pilih itu? Beri justifikasi. Okay. Dalam justifikasi ini awak boleh letak ayat awak justifikasi. Kemudian letaklah misalnya awak ada rujukan yang si Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 mengatakan bahawa ini ini ini. Dia katakan bahawa memang boleh 20 pelajar. Ini contoh ya. Jadi awak letak justifikasi. Kenapa pemilihan SK Serdang menurut Menteri Pendidikan contohnya SK Serdang merupakan sekolah luar bandar yang sekian sekian sekian. Jadi itu awak letak. Tapi ini ringkas ya dalam justifikasi kerana ini jadual. Jadual berapa. Ini apa nama justifikasi. Kemudian awak huraikan pula, sekarang ini. Ini dah tulis dalam bentuk jadual. Ini ambil daripada metodologi apa dia. Kalau awak kata awak pakai temu bual. Temu bual secara ini. Kenapa justifikasi itu. Dia benda-benda ini perlu ada justifikasi. Kadang-kadang ada orang tak letak sebab dah memang tahu buat temu bual apa semua. Tak perlu letak. Ini yang penting ialah siapa sampel dia, kenapa umur 9 tahun? Kenapa lokasi itu dekat situ? Kenapa tak buat dekat negeri lain? Kenapa tak buat dekat Korea? Contoh dia. Jadi kena ada justifikasi dia. Kemudian bila sini, jadual berapa di atas. Okay. Awak buat huraian. Huraian huraian. Huraikan satu-satu beserta dengan ulang ayat ini dengan ayat panjang. Beri justifikasi kenapa pemilihan 20 pelajar? Kenapa SK Serdang? Jadi hurai dengan lebih jelas lagi. Dengan lebih panjang lebar lagi. Supaya tidak ada persoalan daripada pemeriksa. Katakan nanti bila dia tengok analisis data ataupun bab 3, 20. Awak tak kata pun dalam batasan kajian awak pilih 20. Boleh ke 20? Mulalah. Sebenarnya cerita pasal pelajar saja. Soalan yang ditanya oleh pemeriksa adalah 20 soalan tentang pelajar saja. Memang masa itu terkedu tak boleh nak jawab soalan. Jadi bila dah ada sini, pemeriksa baca balik, tengok balik jadual. “Oh saya faham, kenapa dia buat begini”. Dah ada justifikasi ini. Contohnya kenapa. Ni ada. Novel bertajuk novel Salina. Kenapa novel Salina. Kenapa tak novel yang ada beratus, berapa ribu kat pasaran dekat DBP. Jadi awak boleh justifikasi kenapa novel Salina ini kerana memenangi. Ini contoh ya. Memenangi anugerah bla bla. Ataupun menjadi buku teks tingkatan 5 pada tahun sekian sekian. Jadi awak letaklah justifikasi itu kerana apa. Dan pastikan justifikasi yang awak letak berdasarkan batasan ini memang justifikasi yang menyerlah. Sebab contohnya, ada pelajar dia buat tentang majalah. Majalah A contoh dia. Lepastu saya tanya. Saya tanya kenapa awak pilih majalah A. Kemudian pelajar jawab dalam justifikasi saya dah tulis bahawa majalan A telah memenangi sekian sekian sekian pada tahun sekian sekian. Bolehlah. Bolehlah kita ambil sebagai itu. Contohnya yang lain tentang cerpen. Cerpen yang diambil pada tahun 2000. Contoh 2015 hingga ini. Cerpen itu ambil daripada majalah sekian sekian sekian. Jadi mungkinlah justifikasi dia mungkin ialah dia memenangi anugerah juga. Jadi bolehlah dia ambil situ. Justifikasi ini mesti perkara yang penting yang menyebabkan kenapa awak memilih. Pilih bahan itu. Kenapa awak pilih sampel itu? Kenapa umur ini? Jadi semua itu perlu ada justifikasi dalam bentuk jadual. Kemudian buat huraian di bawah ini. Supaya ia lebih jelas. Bila lebih jelas, ia memang tidak ada persoalan daripada pemeriksa. Dan juga dalam ini jangan lupa kita kena ada penanda wacana. Supaya kita nampak sebagai penulisan akademik. Itu amat penting ya. Jangan lupa tentang batasan kajian.


4. Limitations of the Study (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis

So we continue in chapter 1, we have 1.7 which is the limitation of the study. This one also the student always makes mistakes or he/she forgets to put it. So usually, if I suggest in writing the limitations of the study, at first you can do it in tabular form. Okay in tabular form. So this is his/her limitation. This is justification. The limitation of this study is that we want to state what the justification is. Why did we choose that sample? Why did we choose that instrument? Why do we do questionnaires? So we have to put it down. For example, we place a limit of 20 students. 20 students of Serdang Primary School. An example. Okay. So justify. Why did you choose these 20 students. Okay. The 20 students you chose were 9 years old. Okay. Why did you choose? Why did you choose 20 students from Serdang Primary School? So if examiner asked, why 20? Why not 30? Why not 21? Why not 19? Justify. Then, why Serdang Primary School? If Serdang Primary School you want to put the second you can. Why Serdang Primary School? So state. Why not go to school in Perlis? Why not a school in Terengganu. So you have to justify why this school. Then there is more. Why. What choice do you have. Usually the limitations of your study are taken from the methodology. Okay. From the methodology about having a sample or has a respondent. The location of the study or you use a book. Form 5 Malay Textbooks. Why? Why choose that? Justify. Okay. In this justification you can put your sentence justification. Then put for example you have a reference that Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 says that this is this. She said that it is possible for 20 students. Here is an example. So you have a justification. Why the election of Serdang Primary School, according to the Minister of Education for example Serdang Primary School is a rural school. So that's why you choose it. But this is simple, in justification because this is stated in table. Tables. This is what the name of the justification is. Then you explain it, right now. This is written in tabular form. This taken from what methodology is. If you say you use an interview. Interview in this way. What is th justification. These things need justification. Sometimes there are people who do not put it because they already know how to interview everyone. Then no need to place it. The important thing is who sampled him, why is he 9 years old? Why is the location so close? Why not make it in another country? Why not make it in Korea? An example. So there must be a justification for it. Then when here, shown on table above. Okay. You make a description. Description description. Explain one by one along with repeating this sentence with a long sentence. Justify why the selection of 20 students? Why Serdang Primary School? So explain more clearly. With even longer width. So that there is no question from the examiner. Tell me later when examiner looks at the data analysis or chapters 3, 20. “You did not even say in the limits of the study that you chose 20. Can it be 20?” Get started. Actually, the story is about students only. The questions asked by the examiner are 20 questions about students only. Indeed, at that time you was stunned and could not answer the question. So when you are here, the examiner reads back, looks back at the schedule. "Oh I understand, why did he/she do this". There is already this justification. For example why. There is no question. The novel is titled novel titled “Salina”. Why novel titled “Salina”. Why not have hundreds of others novel, how many thousands in the market in DBP. So you can justify why this novel titled “Salina” is for winning. Here is an example. Winning the blah blah award. Or become a form 5 textbook in so many years. So you put that justification for what. And make sure the justification you place based on this limitation is indeed a clear justification. Because for example, there are students  made about magazines. Magazine A for example. Then I asked. I asked why you chose magazine A. Then the student answered in my justification I wrote that magazine A has won so many years over the years. Not bad. Let's take it as it is. Another example is a short story. Short stories taken in 2000. Examples of 2015 to date. The short story is taken from so a magazine. So maybe his justification might be that it won the award as well. So let him take it. This justification must be the important thing that causes you to choose. Select the material. Why did you choose that sample? Why this age? So all that needs to be justified in the form of a table. Then create a description below. So that it is clearer. When it is clearer, it is indeed no question from the examiner. And also in this, do not forget we have to have discourse markers. So that we see it as academic writing. That is very important. Do not forget about the limitations of the study.

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Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Jom Tulis Tesis!. Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia

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3. Persoalan Kajian/ Objektif Kajian (Bab1) #JomTulisTesis

Bab 1, 1.4. Kalau kita tengok di sini, 1.4 Persoalan kajian dan objektif kajian 1.5. Jadi kita ambil persoalan kajian. Okay. Jadi persoalan kajian dengan objektif kajian perlulah sejajar. Okay. Perlu sejajar. Kerana ia berkaitan. Jadi sekarang ini, contoh, kita ambil contoh yang ini. Persoalan kajian. Tengok beza sini. Mengenal pasti wacana tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu. Ini objektif dia. Apakah wacana tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu. Jadi ini kalau misalnya objektif dia dan persoalan dia ini ada satu. Jadi persoalan dia teruslah. Maknanya kita boleh faham dah. Tapi kalau contohnya “menganalisis kesan skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah”, kita boleh jadi dua soalan daripada satu objektif iaitu “Sejauh manakah kesan skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah?” “ Bagaimanakah pelajar memberi pendapat menerusi skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu?”. Jadi kedua-dua soalan ini sebenarnya akan menjawab objektif dua. Kena ingat ya. Apa sahaja dalam objektif ini kita kena persoalkan semula. Sebab kita nak tahu bahawa sejauh mana kesan itu. Bagaimana cara dia? Jadi itu akan menjawab objektif ini. Jadi bila kita analisis data ini, memang ini akan terjawab. Okay. Serupa juga, macam contohnya “ Menghasilkan repertoir perbualan melalui animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah. Yang ini sebenarnya ada temu bual. Temu bual dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah tentang skrip animasi tersebut. Jadi, dia bagi pendapat. Jadi, persoalannya “Sejauh manakah repertoir dibina melalui ini ini ini”. Bagaimana? Dan apakah cara perbualan? Jadi ini terjawablah dalam tu. Bagaimana. Apakah cara perbualan dia? Adakah dia cara perbualan dia memang berdua atau bertiga atau berempat. Ataupun memang dia duduk, dia sorang. Tapi nak kata seorang, dia nak berbual dengan siapa pula. Okay. Mungkin dengan penyelidik. Soalan ketiga “Apakah kategori repertoir?” Jadi maknanya dia hasilkan repertoir, ada tiga soalan di sini. Sejauh manakah? Apakah cara perbualan? Apakah kategori dia? Memang setelah itu nanti bila kita menganalisis data, memang kita akan dapati akan terjawablah soalan ketiga-tiga ini. Jadi, bukanlah semestinya, satu objektif, satu. Boleh juga satu objektif, tiga soalan. Tapi sebenarnya, bila kita analisis data, memang akan terjawab tiga-tiga soalan ini. Macam yang nombor 2, analisis kesan skrip animasi akan ada dua persoalan. Bila kita analisis memang kita jawablah dua soalan ini. Macam itu. Kita dapati bahawa memang kita jawab dua-dua soalan ini. Bila yang objektif satu “Mengenal pasti wacana tekstual” memang kita akan ada satu. Contohnya. Boleh juga nak buat dua. Tapi kita tengoklah cara kita analisis data itu terjawab tak soalan ini. Bila kita buat analisis, kita tengok balik soalan. Terjawab tak? Jadi bila dah terjawab tu memang betullah. Jadi, janganlah kita letak semua tiga-tiga objektif atau semua dua-dua objektif, semua ada satu sahaja soalan. Jadi kita boleh letak dua atau tiga. Kadang-kadang ada pelajar ada letak sampai empat. Sebab dia nak pastikan bahawa bila dia analisis data itu, memang terjawab empat-empat soalan tersebut. Kalau contohnya “Menghasilkan buku panduan penulisan skrip animasi cerita rakyat”. Contohnya, kalaulah pelajar itu buat ada empat objektif,. Jadi sejauh manakah buku panduan penulisan skrip animasi cerita rakyat dihasilkan. Apakah cara untuk menghasilkan buku panduan skrip animasi cerita rakyat? Jadi, yang ini memang ini akan jadi kebaharuan. Yang nombor ketiga, keempat kebaharuan bagi awak punya tesis. Benda baharu yang kita nak sebarkan ke seluruh dunia. Jadi yang ini kita akan ada dua persoalan di sini. Sejauh manakah buku panduan dihasilkan? Apakah cara dia? Jadi bila buat ini memang kita pastikan bila kita analisis data, kita pastikan data kita terjawab dua-dua soalan ini. Jadi bila kita nak tulis, objektif, kita pastikan, kita persoalkan. Apa benda yang kita akan dapati. Bila kita analisis data nanti. Adakah ini? Adakah itu? Jadi sebab itulah kita ada beberapa soalan untuk satu objektif. Ini ada dua soalan untuk satu objektif. Ini ada tiga soalan. Ini ada ini. Tapi soalan dia memang berkisarkan tentang objektif ini tadi. Tak lari. Tak lari. Tetapi memang ini sebagai penyelidik yang bagus, memang akan persoalkan supaya nanti bila kita macam ini “ Dibina repertoir, sejauh mana repertoi dibina?” Lepas itu, apakah cara perbualan dia. Cara perbualan dia itu kita kena huraikanlah. Apakah kategori? Sebab kita nak kategorikan repertoir tersebut. Untuk objektif ketiga ini. Jadi kita pastikan kita jawab semua soalan ini ya. Jadi, pelajar semua, harap bila kita dah lihat apakah objektif kita, kita pastikan bahawa persoalan kita itu menjawab soalan. Menjawab melalui objektif kita. Dan kita kena pastikan bahawa semula saya katakan bahawa apa yang kita analisis akan terjawablah soalan-soalan yang kita tanya. Pada diri kita. Persoalan ini. Dan pemeriksa bila dia baca, oh okay. Soalan dia begini, memang saya dapati ada dalam bab 4. Okay soalan dia begini, okay kita memang dapati bahawa memang pelajar tulis dalam kategori. Kategori repertoir itu. Dah bagi repertoir. Bermakna memang tesis ini berjaya. Sebab dia boleh menjawab persoalan daripada objektif yang telah dia cadangkan untuk tesis dia. Jadi pastikan bahawa, 1.4 persoalan kajian, 1.5 objektif. Perkataan ini. Perkataan ini yang diambil. Ini. Seperti ini. Mengenal pasti, menganalisis, menghasilkan. Ini ada dalam sini. Kalau kita dapat lihat, awak kena pastikan bahawa objektif satu yang awak pilih itu, perlulah dari. Kalau kita lihat di sini. Kejap. Saya ada cadangkan ia di sini. Cadangan senarai kata kerja. Ini ya. Kata kerja operasional taksonomi Bloom. Jadi, kita pastikan objektif satu itu rendah. Okay. Kalau C1 itu, dia rendah. Rendah. Macam tadi mengenal pasti ada ya. Mengenal pasti. Kemudian, bila objektif 2, kita nak analisis. Kena yang tinggi. Kena kita tinggi. Kita tengoklah mana yang bersesuai. Kita baca dulu. Yang mana kita bersesuai untuk objektif kedua. Kalau untuk aplikasi, apa dia. Untuk analisis, apa dia. Ini kita tadi pilih untuk objektif kedua, analisis. Itu dah tinggi. Dah C4. Maknanya kita memang analisis, analisis secara mendalam. Secara mendalam. Kemudian, kita nak letakkan menghasilkan itu. Kita letak C6. Kita nak hasilkan tadi kan. Ingat tak kita nak hasilkan repertoir atapun kita nak hasilkan buku panduan ke apa ke. Itu perkataan-perkataan dia. Jadi, ini pastikan bahawa janganlah objektif 1 satu awak ambik C5, awak nak nilai. Tiba-tiba objektif 2 rendah pula. Awak masuk pula mengenal pasti. Dah salah. Dia mesti daripada kecil, daripada mudah. Ini dikira mudah. Hinggalah kita naik-naik sehinggalah ke C6. Jadi pastikan pemilihan perkataan-perkataan ini, yang bersesuaian dengan objektif. Bersesuai. Dan juga ikut tahap dia. Rendah ke tinggi. Objektif 1 rendah, objektif 2 tinggi sikit, objektif 3 lagi tinggi. Janganlah objektif satu rendah, objektif 2 awak letak okay tinggi betul. C6 tadi. Kemudian objektif tiga awak turun pula balik. Salah. Kena ikut tingkat. Macam kita naik tangga. Rendah, naik, naik. Jadi ambil daripada sini. Pastikan bahawa perkataan itu bersesuaian dengan objektif kita. Jadi kena bersesuai. Dan lagi satu. Lagi satu, bila kita tulis objektif ini. Contoh mengenal pasti. Ada pula pelajar nombor 2 mengenal pasti juga. Kemudian nombor 3, mengenal pasti lagi. Nombor 4 mengenal pasti. Dah empat-empat mengenal pasti. Jadi itu tak boleh. Itu semuanya tahap yang rendah. Tahap yang rendah ini tidak bersesuaian. Asyik nak mengenal pasti saja. Dah kenapa kan. Kita nak juga analisis. Jadi tak boleh. Jadi macam ini, yang saya bagi contoh ini kalau dia buat empat objektif. Biasanya objektif ada tiga sahaja. Kalau ada empat pun, kalau yang ini dia hasilkan repertoir, ini buku panduan. Ini berbeza. Jadi, bolehlah dia nak tukar. Contohnya menghasilkan. Jadi dia boleh nak tukar. Kalau kita tengok sini. Ada banyak. Kita ada. Mengatur, mengkategorikan, menyusun, membangun. Ada banyaklah. Merencana, merumuskan pun boleh. Kita letak ini merumus. Jadi kalau misalnya ini sudah C6. Bolehlah C6 ini, C6 yang ini. Jadi boleh rujuk dalam buku ini. Kalau tidak ada pun boleh rujuk dekat internet. Kalau jumpa. Okay. Pastikan ya. Ingat. Saya katakan tadi. Saya ulang balik. Pastikan kategori dia daripada rendah, kemudian tinggi sikit, kemudian tinggi lagi. Okay. Supaya nampak dia punya perbezaan. Cara kita nak menganalisis data tersebut. Jadi pemilihan perkataan ini amat penting dalam penulisan objektif kajian.


3. Research Questions / Research Objectives (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis

Chapters 1, 1.4. If we look here, 1.4 Research questions and objectives of study 1.5. So we take the research question. Okay. So the research questions with the research objectives need to be aligned. Okay. Needs to be aligned. Because it is related. So now, for example, let's take this example. Research questions. Look at the difference here. Identifying the textual discourse animation script Malay folklore. This is her/his objective. Is animation script textual discourse Malay folklore. So this is if for example, his/her objective and his/her question there is one. So the question he/she continues. That means we can understand. But if for example "analyze the impact of the animation script Malay folklore among elementary school students", it can be objectives 2, namely the question of "How much effect animation script Malay folklore among elementary school students?" "How do students give opinions through animation script Malay folklore?". So these two questions will actually answer objective 2. Remember. Whatever is in this objective we have to question again. Because we want to know the extent of the effect. How is it? So that will answer this objective. So if we analyze this data, indeed this will be answered. Okay. Similarly, the example of "Produce repertoire animated conversation through the Malay folklore among elementary school students. This one is actually an interview. Interviews among primary school students about the animated script. So, he/she shared his/her opinion. So, the question is "To what extent is the repertoire built through this and this". How? And what is the way of conversation? So this is answered in there. How. How does he/she talk? Is the way he/she talks he/she is indeed two or three or four. Or indeed he/she is sitting, he/she is alone. But one person wants to say, he/she wants to talk to someone else. Okay. Probably with researchers. The third question is "What is the category of repertoire?" So that means he /she created a repertoire, there are three questions here. How far? What is the way of conversation? What is it category? Indeed, after that when we analyze the data, we will find that these three questions will be answered. So, not necessarily, one objective, one. Can also be one objective, three questions. But in fact, when we analyze the data, these three questions will be answered. As in number 2, the analysis of the effects of the animated script will have two questions. When we analyze, we answer these two questions. Like that. We find that we do answer these two questions. When the objective of one is "Identifying textual discourse" we will have one. For example. Can also make two. But let's look at the way we analyze the data to answer this question. When we do analysis, we look back at the question. Did you answer? So when it is answered, it is true. So, let's not put all three objectives or all two objectives, all there is only one question. So we can put two or three. Sometimes there are students write up to four. Because he/she wants to make sure that when he/she analyzes the data, the four questions are answered. If for example "Produce a guidebook for writing animated scripts of folk tales". For example, if the student makes four objectives. So to what extent are folklore animated script writing handbooks produced. What is the way to produce a folklore animated script guidebook? So, this one is indeed going to be a novelty. The third number, the fourth novelty for you to have a thesis. New things we want to spread all over the world. So this one we will have two questions here. To what extent is the handbook produced? What is it way? So when we do this we make sure when we analyze the data, we make sure our data is answered these two questions. So when we want to write, objective, we make sure, we question. What things will we find. When we analyze the data later. Is this? Is that? So that is why we have several questions for one objective. Here are two questions for one objective. Here are three questions. Here it is. But his/her question really revolves around this objective just now. Align. Align. But indeed as a good researcher, will indeed question so that later when we are like this    "Built repertoire, how far is repertoire built?" After that, what is the way he/she talks. We have to explain the way he/she talks. What is it category? Because we want to categorize the repertoire. For this third objective. So we make sure we answer all these questions. So, all students, please when we have seen what our objectives are, we make sure that our questions answer the questions. Answer through our objectives. And we have to make sure that again I say that what we analyze will answer the questions we ask. On ourselves. This question. And the examiner when he reads, oh okay. His question is like this, indeed I found it in chapter 4. Okay his question is like this, okay we did find that indeed students write in categories. The repertoire category. Already for the repertoire. Meaning this thesis is successful. Because he can answer questions from the objectives he has proposed for his thesis. So make sure that, 1.4 research questions, 1.5 objectives. This word. This word is taken. Here. Like this. Identify, analyze, produce. It's in here. If we can see, you have to make sure that the objective one you choose, must be from. If we look here. Wait. I have suggested it here. Suggested verb list. Here it is. Bloom's taxonomic operational verbs. So, we make sure the objective one is low. Okay. If it's C1, it's low. Low. Like just identifying. Identify. Then, when objective 2, we want analysis. It’s high. We have to choose the high one. Let's see which one fits. We read first. Which fit for the second objective. If for the application, what is it. For analysis, what is it. This, we just chose for the second objective, analysis. That's high. Already C4. That means we are indeed analysis, in-depth analysis. Deeply. Then, we want to put that produce.  Located C6. We want to produce just now, right? Remember we do not want to produce a repertoire or we want to produce a guidebook to what. Those are his words. So, this makes sure that you do not have objective 1 with C5, you have to exam it. Suddenly objective 2 is lower than objective 1. You choose identify. Wrong. It,s must be from lower level, from simple. This is considered easy. Until we go up and up all the way to C6. So make sure the selection of these words, which corresponds to the objective. Suitable. And also follow its level. Low to high. Objective 1 low, objective 2 slightly higher, objective 3 more high. Don't let objective one be low, objective 2 you place okay high right. C6 earlier. Then the objective of the three of you goes back down. Wrong. Must follow the level. Like we went up the stairs. Low, up, up. So take it from here. Make sure that the word fits our objective. Have to adapt. And one more. One more thing, when we write this objective. Examples identify. There are also number 2, students identifying as well. Then number 3, identify again. Number 4 identifY. The four have identifY. So that can't be. That's all low level. This low level is not appropriate. It's all to identify. Why? We also want analysis. So you can't. So like this, I give this example if he makes four objectives. Usually there are only three objectives. If there are four, if this one he produced repertoire, this is a guidebook. This is different. So, let’s change. For example produce. So he/she can change. If we look here. There are many. We have. Organize, categorize, organize, build. There are many. Planning, formulating is also possible. We put this formulating. So if for example this is already C6. Let this C6, this C6. So can refer in this book. If there is none, you can refer to the internet. Up to you. Okay. Make sure. Remember. I said earlier. I repeat. Keep it category from low, then a little high, then high again. Okay. To see that it has a difference. The way we can analyze the data. So the selection of these words is very important in writing the objectives of the study.

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Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Jom Tulis Tesis!. Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia

Kehadiran minggu 11:



2. Pernyataan Masalah / Masalah Kajian (Bab 1) #JomTulisTesis

Jadi bab 1 kita teruskan 1.3 pernyataan masalah. Okay. Pernyataan masalah. masalah ataupun masalah. Okay. Dalam pernyataan masalah biasanya pelajar mempunyai masalah ya. Nama pun pernyataan masalah. Masalah macam mana nak tulis pernyataan masalah. Ini sangat kritikal dan sangat penting. Kadang-kadang pelajar dia letak sampai 10 halaman.       Masalah nak huraikan tentang penyataan masalah. Bila kita baca langsung tidak ada masalah. Jadi berhati-hati dan juga pelajar selalu letak pernyataan masalah tu dia letak yang dia rasa, macam “saya dapati bahawa pelajar tidak pandai mengira 1 hingga 10”. Awak tu siapa. Jadi kita tak boleh, kita kena ada rujukan. Pernyataan masalah, rujukan merupakan perkara yang penting. Perkara yang penting. Maknanya kita perlu rujuk. Perlu rujuk siapa yang punya kajian yang menunjukkan bahawa ada masalah dalam kajian tersebut. Ataupun kenyataan daripada orang ini atau daripada Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 mendapati bahawa pelajar kurang berminat untuk, untuk mendengar ataupun untuk mendengar cerita berbentuk sekian sekian sekian. Jadi itu dah menunjukkan macam menunjukkan benda negatif. Dan juga huraian daripada kajian Normaliza Abd Rahim itu mendapati bahawa lima pelajar didapati, didapati tidak boleh menggunakan kata kerja dalam dalam penulisan karangan. Contoh dia. Dan itulah dah nampak masalah. Sebab masalah itu bila kita dapati kita huraikan sikit. Kemudian masalah Normaliza Abd Rahim tu tadi disokong oleh kajian yang dijalankan oleh Nur Maisarah Roslan, 2019 yang mendapati bahawa pelajar tidak dapat mengenal pasti kata kerja dalam dalam membina, membina soalan. Contoh dia. Contoh ya. Jadi, jadi. Adalah sokong. Dua kajian ini sokong timbulnya masalah tersebut. Okay. Barulah betul. Jadi itu yang menunjukkan masalah huraian kita tu. Jadi sekarang. Jadi pelajar biasanya buat macam mana. Dia pergi buat. Okay contohnya kajian itu tentang kata kerja. Yang awak punya kajian tentang kata adjektif. Jadi awak boleh buat kajian oleh Normaliza Abd Rahim tidak berfokus kepada kajian tentang kata adjektif. Itu dikatakan pernyataaan salah. Salah tu. Tidak boleh. Tidak boleh. Tidak boleh macam seolah-olah memanglah dia buat kata kerja sebab kata kerja, kata kerja sebab dia berfokus kepada kata kerja. Tetapi awak tak bolehlah kata dia tak buat pasal kata adjektif. Memanglah tak buat kata adjektif sebab dia berfokus kepada kata kerja. Jadi salah begitu ya. Jadi huraian di sini ini macam saya katakan tadi perlu ada ayat yang dikatakan oleh pengkaji tersebut dalam artikel dia. Jadi pernyataan masalah ini terbahagi kepada  objektif. Kalau contoh objektif ada dua, ada dua perenggannya di sini. Kalau objektif ada tiga, makna ada tiga perenggan. Satu, dua, tiga. Jadi huraian dalam ini huraian daripada kajian. Dan disokong oleh siapa. Okay. Disokong oleh siapa. Ayat macam saya katakan tadi ya. Kemudian, hujung ayat itu, Awak kata “Justeru kajian ini” sebab berkaitan dah nampak jurang penyelidikan dalam ini. “Justeru kajian ini mengenal pasti, mengenal pasti wacana tekstual skrip animasi bla bla bla”. Sebab didapati kat sini ini bahawa kajian itu mendapati bahawa pelajar contohnya. Pelajar ataupun skrip animasi tidak melambangkan apa dia, apa dia. Jadi kajian itu menurut orang tu. Orang tu cakap. Bukan kita yang cakap, orang tu yang cakap. Jadi serupa juga dengan yang ini, kena ada sokong. Kajian ini didapati ada masalah dalam kajian tu pelajar tidak boleh mengenal pasti kata adjektif contoh dia. Kemudian, “justeru kajian ini ingin menganalisis kata adjektif yang terdapat dalam penulisan karangan kanak-kanak”. Macam contoh, pernyataan masalah ketiga okay. Menurut Norwida Roslan, 2019 pelajar didapati tidak boleh, tidak berminat dan tidak boleh mengira nombor satu sehingga dua puluh. Contoh dia. Kajian dia. Kajian dia didapati begitu. Jadi, justeru kajian ini ingin menganalisis okay. Menganalisis apa nama, pengiraan ataupun aktiviti pelajar dalam mengira nombor dari satu hingga dua puluh. Jadi kita kena kaitkan dalam hujung ayat perenggan itu, kaitkan dengan objektif ini. Hujung ayat ini, kaitkan dengan objektif ini. Hujung ayat ini kaitkan dengan objektif ketiga. Jadi, barulah ada pernyataan masalah ini berkaitan dengan awak punya objektif. Jadi, rujukan. Dalam rujukan yang dalam yang ini. Dalam permaslaahan kajian ini perlulah lima tahun ke belakang. Kita tak boleh la. Kita ambik apa nama pernyataan masalah daripada kajian yang lama-lama. Sebab kita kena faham bahawa kajian yang dijalankan sekarang ini semuanya dah berbeza ya. Dah berbeza dengan kita mempunyai teknik. Dunia digital jadi budak-budak pun pandai. Macam yang saya katakan sebelum ini, zaman dulu boleh la kata “Ei budak ni pandai betul. Cerdik betul. Kita tanya satu soalan, dia jawab sepuluh jawapan. Pandai”. Tetapi dalam dunia digital sekarang ini berbeza. Yang mana sekarang budak-budak kita bagi soalan, dia bagi jawapan sampai 47. Sampai kita kata “okay berhenti, jangan bagi jawapan dah, Letih cikgu nak dengar”. Jadi ada budak-budak macam tu sampai sekarang ini ya. Dia dah lebih ke hadapan. Sebab dia dah ada dunia digital ini masing-masing ada dah telefon mudah alih, telefon bimbit masing-masing dalam beg. Kadang-kadang telefon mereka lebih mahal daripada telefon kita. Bertabahlah kita ya. Jadi pastikan pernyataan masalah ini betul. Tak perlu panjang lebar. Kerana apa yang terdapat dalam rujukan dalam ini dan dalam ini semuanya ada huraian yang lebih panjang lebar dalam bab dua. Jadi, pernyataan masalah yang ini perlu ada lah dalam bab 2. Tak boleh la awak ada nama-nama ini, kemudian pemeriksa kata mana pergi nama-nama yang awak dah kata dalam pernyataan masalah dah tidak ada dalam bab 2. Tak boleh. Ini secara ringkas. Yang dikatakan tentang pernyataan masalah ini. Ini kita kata secara terperinci seluruh-seluruhnya. Tentang orang ini, Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 kajian dia secara menyeluruh. Ini dengan panjang lebar. Jadi maknanya, kena ada la. Yang ini nama yang awak sorot sini, ambik di sini mesti ada dalam ini. Pastikan betul pernyataan masalah ini. Amat penting. Jadi biasanya, pelajar didapati bahawa agak sukar untuk menulis pernyataan masalah. Jadi sekarang bila dah belajar ini, dah tidak ada masalah.


2. Problem Statement / Research Problem (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis

So in chapter 1 we proceed to 1.3 problem statement. Okay. Statement of problem. Problems or problems. Okay. In problem statement usually students have a problem. The name is also a statement of problems. How to write a problem statement. This is very critical and very important. Sometimes students put up to 10 pages. Problem to describe the problem statement. If we read directly there is no problem. So be careful and also students always put the statement of the problem he/she put what he/she feels, like "I find that students are not good at counting 1 to 10". Who are you? So we can't, we have to have a reference. Problem statement, reference is important. The important thing. That means we need to refer. It is necessary to refer to who has a study that shows that there is a problem in the study. Or a statement from this person or from Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 found that students are less interested in, to hear or to hear stories so much. So that shows how to show negative things. And also the description from the study of Normaliza Abd Rahim found that five students were found, found not to be able to use verbs in in essay writing. An example. And that's the problem. Because the problem is when we find we explain a little. Then the problem of Normaliza Abd Rahim was supported by a study conducted by Nur Maisarah Roslan, 2019 which found that students can not identify verbs in building, constructing questions. An example. Example. So, so. Is supportive. These two studies support the emergence of the problem. Okay. That's right. So that shows the problem of our description. So now. So students usually do what. He/She went for it. Okay for example the study is about verbs. That you have a study of adjectives. So you can do a study by Normaliza Abd Rahim does not focus on the study of adjectives. That is said to be a false statement. That's wrong. No way. No way. It can't be as if he did make verbs because of verbs, verbs because he focuses on verbs. But you can't say he didn't make adjectives. Of course he did not make adjectives because he focused on verbs. So wrong. So the description here is like I said earlier, there must be a sentence that the researcher said in his article. So the statement of this problem is divided into objectives. If the objective example has two, there are two paragraphs here. If there are three objectives, it means there are three paragraphs. One two three. So the description in this description is from the study. And supported by whom. Okay. Supported by whom. A sentence like I said earlier. Then, at the end of the sentence, you say "Therefore this study" because the related research gap has been seen in this. "Thus this study identifies, identifies the textual discourse of the animated script blah blah blah". The reason found here is that the study found that students, for example. Students or animated scripts do not represent what he is. So the study according to that person. That person spoke. It is not we who speak, it is the person who speaks. So similar to this one, there must be support. This study found that there is a problem in the study, students can not identify adjectives for example. Then, "therefore this study wants to analyze the adjectives found in the writing of children's essays". As an example, the third problem statement is okay. According to Norwida Roslan, 2019 students were found not to be, not interested and could not count number one to twenty. An example. His studies. His study found that. So, therefore this study wants to analyze, okay. Analyze what names, calculations or student activities in counting numbers from one to twenty. So we have to relate in the end of the paragraph sentence, relate to this objective. The end of this sentence, relate to this objective. The end of this sentence is related to the three objective. So, then there is a statement of this problem related to you having an objective. So, reference. In this deep reference. In the study, this study should be five years back. We can't. We take the name of the problem statement from a long ago studies. Because we have to understand that the study conducted now is all different. It's different with us having techniques. The digital world is so clever. Like I said before, in the old days we could say “Hey this boy is really good. That's right. We asked one question, he answered ten answers. Clever ”. But in today's digital world it is different. Which now we ask questions, kid gives answers up to 47. Until we say "okay stop, do not give answers already, teacher is tired to hear it". So there are kids like that until now. He is more forward. Because he already has this digital world, each of them has a mobile phone, each mobile phone in a bag. Sometimes their phones are more expensive than our phones. Let us persevere. So make sure the statement of this problem is correct. No need for length. Because of what is found in the references in this and in this all there is a longer description in chapter two. So, this problem statement should be in chapter 2. You can't have these names, then the word examiner goes to the names that you said in the problem statement are not in chapter 2. You can't. This is brief. That said about the statement of this problem. This we say in detail entirely. About this person, Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 her study as a whole. This is at length. So that means, there must be. This is the name you highlighted here, ambiguous here must be in this. Make sure the statement of this problem is correct. Very important. So usually, students find that it is quite difficult to write a problem statement. So now that you have learned this, there is no problem.

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Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Jom Tulis Tesis!. Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia

Kehadiran minggu 11:


1. Pengenalan/ Pendahuluan & Latar Belakang Kajian (Bab 1) #jJomTulisTesis


Bab 1 iaitu bab bahagian pendahuluan ataupun kadang-kadang pelajar dia tulis sebagai bab pengenalan. Boleh je mana satu pun, boleh nak letak pendahuluan boleh, nak letak pengenalan pun boleh. Jadi bab ini kalau kita tengok dalam buku ni, kita ada banyak subtopik ya. Subtopik kita ada pengenalan. Pengenalan sama dengan semua bab iaitu kita memperkenalkan apa ada dalam bab tersebut. Latar belakang, permasalahan kajian, persoalan kajian, objektif, kepentingan kajian, batasan, definisi operasional, organisasi kajian dan kesimpulan, Okey jadi kita seperti biasa kita akan masukkan 1.1 pengenalan, jadi dalam bahagian pengenalan ini kita akan memperkenalkan apa dalam bab ini. Tapi kadang-kadang kita, saya dapati pelajar tidak tulis pengenalan ni dalam lebih kurang dua hingga tiga halaman macam tu. Tapi nama pun pengenalan, pengenalan kalau kita letak panjang lebar dia dah jadi seperti latar belakang. Kadang-kadang pengisian dalam pengenalan itu kita dapati adalah seperti sorotan kajian. Dia letak pulak kajian disitu. Jadi itu kita kena pastikan ya kita cuma nak memperkenalkan, memperkenalkan mungkin kita memperkenalkan apa tentang keseluruhan tesis tersebut. Serupa juga macam kita nak buat bab 5 penutup. Kita nak tutup seleruh tesis, jadi pengenalan kita nak memperkenalkan apa yang tentang kajian dalam dalam tesis ini ya. Jadi kalau misalnya tak mahu awak buat begitu, awak boleh buat pengenalan dalam satu perenggan pun takpe. Apa ada dalam bab pengenalan bab 1 ini sahaja. Jadi terpulang, terpulang kepada pelajar ya. Tapi pastikan tidak seperti sorotan dan tidak seperti latar belakang kerana kita ada subtopik latar belakang. Jadi dalam latar belakang ini sebenarnya dia kalau kita lihat ia sepeti sejarah ataupun iya memang kita nak memperkenalkan. Kalau kita nak buat kajian tentang Instagram jadi maksudnya kita letaklah bilakah Instagram bermula, siapa memperkenalkannya, letak tahun, kemudia datang Malaysia bila, bagaimana bentuk Instagram. Semua dalam ni ciri-ciri Instagram. Semua ada dekat dalam dalam ini tetapi mesti ada rujukan. Nama pun latar belakang, nama pun sejarah, perlulah ada rujukan. Kalau takde rujukan tak boleh la. Jangan awak kata menurut, takde menurut pun. Dia buat, dia buat je sampai sampai tiga empat halaman langsung takde rujukan. Macam seolah-olah dia yang buat latar belakang tu. Itu salah, maknanya setiap perenggan yang awak huraikan dalam latar belakang perlu ada rujukan. Jadi kalau nak letak bila bermulanya Instagram, siapa mulakannya dia tak letak pulak tahun bila dan dia ambil daripada laman web mana. Jadi kena rujukan, jadi pentingnya latar belakang. Jadi latar belakang ini menunjukkan kalau kita pemeriksa baca, kita nak lihat bahawa okey tentang latar belakang Twitter contohnya, macam ni macam macam mana datang kat Malaysia ni. Apa kandungan Twitter itu, apa ciri-ciri dia, apa semua tu. Barulah saya sebagai pemeriksa faham tentang kajian ini begini. Owh kajian yang dia buat begitu. Okey, jadi masukkan dalam latar belakang tetapi ingat bahawa latar belakang ini bukan sorotan kajian. Janganlah awak masuk menurut Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) apa nama ni Twitter ni menjalankan tentang bla bla bla dah itu rupa sorotan kajian. Maka berhati-hati jadi dalam latar belakang ini kitab oleh letak lebih kurang. kita boleh lebih kurang dua hingga tiga halaman. Kalau lebih ada pelajar dia letak latar belakang tu sampai 10-20 halaman. Itu dah tak boleh. Itu dah jadi baiklah buat buku sejarah. Ya tak perlu sebab kita nak letak latar belakang yang serba ringkas supaya pemeriksa faham yang macam saya katakan tadi owh pemeriksa owh pelajar nak buat latar belakang begini rupanya. Begitu rupanya. Jadi ini amatlah penting. Jadi pastikan ada rujukan. Dalam latar belakang ini tak perlulah kita kata lima tahun kebelakang sebab kita nama sejarah kalau sejarah maknanya dah tahun yang lama-lama yang maknanya latar belakang tidaklah terhad. Rujukan lima tahun kebelakang jadi rujukan tu ni bila-bila lah. Tentang bila ditubuhkan. Apa semua tu tak ada masalah. Boleh letak dalam latar belakang tetapi pastikan ia daripada contohnya dia buat tentang Twitter itu tadi. Latar belakang Twitter kemudian pasti awak tulis menjurus kepada akhirnya kepada kajian awak ini. Kajian awak ini jadi maknanya mula-mula dia punya secara meluas, kemudian meluas tentang siapa mulakan apa semua dan menjurus akhirnya. Hampir kepada kita punya kajian. Itu Namanya latar belakang kajian. Mestilah berkaitan dengan kajian kita ya.



1. Introduction / Introduction & Background of the Study (Chapter 1) #JomTulisTesis


Chapter 1 is the chapter of the introductory part or sometimes the student, he writes as an introductory chapter. You guys can put the introduction or introductory chapter. So, this chapter if we look at this book, we have a lot of subtopics. The subtopic has an introduction. The introduction is same like all the chapters that we need to introduce in this the chapter. Background, research problems, research questions, objectives, research interests, limitations, operational definitions, studies organization and conclusions, Okay, so as usual, we will enter 1.1 introductions, so in this introductory section we will introduce what in this chapter. But sometimes we, I find students write the introduction in about two to three pages like that. But it is called introduction, the introduction if we write length it has become like a background. Sometimes the filling in the introduction, we find, is like a study highlight. He put the study there. So, we have to make sure, we just want to introduce, introduce maybe we introduce what about the whole thesis. Similarly, went we do in a chapter 5 conclusion. We need to conclude the whole thesis. So, if for example you do not want to do that, you can make an introduction in a single paragraph. What is in the introductory chapter 1 only. So, it's up to you, up to the students. But make sure it is not like a highlight and not like a background because we have a background subtopic. So, in this background, he is actually if we see it as history or we do want to introduce. If we want to do a study on Instagram so it means we put. Everything is close inside in this, but there must be a reference. The name of the background, the name of history, there must be a reference. If there is no reference, it cannot be. Do not stated. He did, he made me up to three or four pages directly without reference. It was as if he was the one who made the background. That's wrong, meaning every paragraph you describe in the background should have a reference. So, if you want to put it when Instagram starts, who started it, he didn't put it in the year and he took it from which website?. So, it needs to be referenced, so the background is important. So, this background shows that if we are a examiner, we want to see that it is okay about the Twitter background, for example, this is how it comes to Malaysia. What is the content on Twitter, what are his features, what is all that. Only then did I, as an examiner, understand this study. Oh, the study he did so. Okay, so put it in the background, but remember that this background is not a study highlight. Do not go in according to Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) what is the name of this Twitter running about blah blah blah that's what the study highlights. So be careful, so in the background of this book by placing more or less. we can be about two to three pages. If there are more students, he puts the background up to 10-20 pages. That is no longer possible. That's so good for the history books. Yes, there is no need because we want to put a very simple background so that the examiner understands. What I said earlier the examiner understand the students want to create a background like this apparently. Oh, it's like that. So, this is very important. Make sure there is a reference. In this background we do not need to say five years ago because we are the name of history if history means a long time ago which means the background is not limited. References five years ago so that reference is anytime. About when established. Is all that no problem. Can put in the background but make sure it is from the example he made about Twitter just now. The background of Twitter then sure you write leads to the end of your study. This study of yours so means first he has extensively, then extensively about who starts what all and leads to the end. Almost we have a study. That is the name of the study background. Must be relevant to our study.


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Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Jom Tulis Tesis!. Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia

Kehadiran minggu 11: