Monday, December 14, 2020





(198182)                                             (199783)


Teks Asal

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Teks Bersih




Saya berasa puas hati

Menolong ibu bapa setiap hari

Bermula di pagi hari

Sehingga malam nanti


Ibu bapa yang disayangi

Saya tetap berhati-hati

Menjaga budi pekerti

Keluarga saya yang dicintai


Saya sayang ibu dan bapa

Abang, kakak, adik dan saudara

Mereka semua ada bersama

Semasa saya memerlukan mereka



I am satisfied

Helping parents every day

Starting in the morning

Until later night


Dear parents

I remain careful

Caring for the character of

My beloved family


I love my parents

Brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters

They are all  there together

When I need them



I am satisfied

Everyday my parents will be helped

Ever since morning start,

Until the night is set.                                     


Dear parents

Carefully Ii tried to always

Maintain a good manners

To my beloved lovely families


I love my mother and father

Brother, sister and cousins

They always together They was there when Iim in needs




I am satisfied

Everyday my parents will be helped

Since morning start

Until the night is set                                     


Dear parents

Carefully I tried to always

Maintain a good manners

To my beloved families


I love my mother and father

Brother, sister and cousins

They always together They was there when I’m in needs





Saya belajar setiap masa

Sifat sabar diambil kira

Dugaan besar selalu ada

Dikongsi bersama keluarga


Saya seorang yang baik hati

Jujur dan ikhlas di dalam diri

Saya belajar berdikari

Menolong orang setiap hari


Baik hati nurani

Kuatkan jati diri

Mulia peribadi

Perasaan tenang tidak terperi


Kawan-kawan semua

Inilah saya yang istimewa

Saya sentiasa berusaha

Menjadi insan yang berguna



I learn all the time

Patience is taken into account

Big allegations are always there

Shared with family


I am a kind-hearted person

Honest and sincere in myself

I learn to be independent

Helping people every day


Good conscience

Strengthen self-esteem

Personal dignity
The feeling of calm is unbearable


Friends all

This is my special

I always strive

To be a useful human being



I learn all the time

Patience will be counted

Big obstacle will always be there all the time

With family, it will be divided



I am a kind-hearted person

Honest and sincere person

I learn to be an independent person

All the time helping person


Good conscience

Strengthen self-confidence

Personal magnificence

The feeling of calm is beyond endurance


All my friend

This is me, a special human being

I always strive without end

To be a useful human being



I learn all the time

Patience will be counted

Big obstacle will always be there all the time

With family, it will be divided



I am a kind-hearted person

Honest and sincere person

I learn to be an independent person

All the time helping person


Good conscience

Strengthen self-confidence

Personal magnificence

The feeling of calm is beyond endurance


All my friend

This is me, a special human being

I always strive without end



Saya yang Istimewa


Saya yang istimewa

Dilihat orang setiap masa

Kasih sayang dikongsi bersama

Abang kakak dan adik serta ibu bapa


Saya yang istimewa

Bersikap baik sesama manusia

Saya dilihat berlainan rupa Semangat positif dikongsi bersama


Saya dengan dunia

Belajar berdikari setiap masa

Hormati orang lebih dewasa

Satu perkara disanjungi bersama

I am special


I am special

I am seen by people all the time

Love is shared with my brothers and sisters and parents


I am special

Be kind to my fellow human beings

I am seen in different ways

Positive spirit is shared


I am with the world

Learn to be independent all the time

Respect older people

One thing to praise together

I am special


I am special

Be seen by people all the times

We shared our loved equal

Brother, sister and my parents


                    I am special

Being kind to everyone

People see me special I am seen in different ways

Positive vibe is being shared by everyoneEverybody shared positive vibe


The world together with meThe world and I

Learning to be independent all the time

Respect the eldersolder people

Something that shows an honoursTogether we hold that one thing to be praised

I am special


I am special

Be seen by people all the times

We shared our loved equal

Brother, sister and my parents


I am special

Being kind to everyone

People see me special

Positive vibe is being shared by everyone


The world togethe with me

Learning to be independent all the time

Respect the elders

Something that shows an honours


Saya Tahu


Saya cuba memahami

Diri saya sendiri

Mengapa jadi begini

Ayah dan ibu susah hati


Hati saya siapa yang tahu

Saya sendiri jadi keliru

Ingin menangis seperti selalu

Air mata keluar menderu


Saya tahu

Semua mahu

Soalan bertalu-talu

Senyum membisu

I Know


I Try to Understand


Why is it like this

Dad and mom are upset


My heart who knows

I myself so confused

Want to cry like always

Tears come out roar


I know

All want

Frequent questions

Smile mute

I know


I try to be more understandingI Try to Understand

About my presentfMy ownself

Why is it happeninglike this

Dad and mom are upset


No one knows what it is in my heart

Even I am confused about what is in my heart

Want to cry like usually

Tears roar out emotionally


I know

Everyone want to know

Questioning persistently

Smiling silently

I know


I try to be more understanding

About my present

Why is it happening Dad and mom are upset


No one knows what it is in my heart

Even I am confused about what is in my heart

Want to cry like usually

Tears roar out emotionally


I know

Everyone want to know

Questioning persistently

Smiling silently



Saya Faham


Saya kata "Apa khabar

Dia jawab "Khabar baik

Ucapan untuk dia

Ucapan untuk saya


Selamat pagi, tengah hari, petang, malam

Untuk dia

Untuk saya


Terima kasih


Untuk dia

Untuk saya


Terima kasih


Untuk kita

Untuk mereka

I Understand

I said "How are you

He replied "Good news

Greetings to him

Greetings to me


Good morning, noon, evening, night

For him

For me


Thank you

Are equally

For him

For me


Thank you

Are equally

For us

For them


I Understand


I said “how are you”

He replied “find thank you”

He greets

I greets


Good morning, noon, evening, night

For him

For me


Thank you

You areYour welcome

For you

For me


Thank youThank you

You are welcomeAre equally

For us

For them


I Understand


I said “how are you”

He replied “find thank you”

He greets

I greets


Good morning, noon, evening, night

For him

For me


Thank you

You are welcome

For you

For me


Thank you

You are welcome

For us

For them



Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Kedatangan minggu 3:




Kedatangan minggu 3:





(198182)                                             (199783)



 Terjemahan Mesin (Google Translate)



Hari ini Alim dan keluarga akan pulang ke kampung Alim. Alim akan pulang ke kampung nenek dan datuk di Kajang. Alim mempunyai dua nenek dan dua datuk. Nenek dan datuk sebelah ibu Alim tinggal di Kajang. Nenek dan datuk sebelah bapa tinggal di Melaka.

Alim tidak sabar untuk pulang ke kampung. Alim ingin bermain dengan ayam dan itik nenek dan datuk di kampung.

Setelah 30 minit perjalanan, mereka pun sampai. Alim terus keluar dan mencari ayam dan itik. Alim tidak berjumpa. Alim sedih. Alim marah. Alim menangis. Alim tidak tahu mengapa ayam dan itik tiada di kampung.


Today Alim and his family will return to Alim village. Alim will return to his grandparents' village in Kajang. Alim has two grandmothers and two grandfathers. Alim's grandmother and grandfather lived next to Kajang. My paternal grandparents lived in Melaka.

Alim can't wait to return to the village. Alim wants to play with chicken and duck grandparents in the village.

After 30 minutes of travel, they arrived. Alim kept going out and looking for chickens and ducks. Alim did not meet. Alim is sad. Alim is angry. Alim cried. Alim does not know why chickens and ducks are not in the village.


Today Alim and his family will  came back to Alim’s village. Alim will return to his grandparents' village in Kajang. Alim has two  grandmotherand two grandfather. Alim's grandmother and grandfather live in Kajang. Alim’s grandparents from his mother sides live in Melaka.

Alim can't wait to return to the village. Alim wants to play with chickens and ducks at his grandparents house. After 30 minutes of travel, they arrived. Alim go out and looking for chickens and ducks. Alim cannot find it.  Alim is sad. Alim is angry. Alim cried. Alim does not know why chickens and ducks are not in the village.



Ibu dan bapa pula sibuk mengeluarkan beg dari dalam kereta. Abang Imran dan Kak Madinah juga mengangkat beg masing-masing ke dalam rumah nenek dan datuk. Aisyah sibuk mencari permainan yang tertinggal di celah-celah kerusi di dalam kereta. Nenek dan datuk berlari mendapatkan Alim yang sedang menangis di tepi reban.

"Alim buat apa di sini?" tanya nenek dan datuk kepada Alim.

"Ayam dan itik sudah tak ada!" bisik Alim sambil menangis.

Alim tidak faham mengapa ayam dan itik tiada di dalam reban. Alim sangkakan semua ayam dan itik sudah mati. Alim sedih. Alim menangis.


Mom and Dad were busy removing the bag from the car. Abang Imran and Kak Madinah also lifted their bags into the house of their grandparents. Aisyah was busy looking for the game that was left between the seats in the car. Grandmother and grandfather ran to find Alim who was crying by the side of the coop.

"What are you doing here?" asked Alim's grandmother and grandfather.

"Chickens and ducks are gone!" Alim whispered while crying.

Alim does not understand why chickens and ducks are not in the coop. Alim thought all the chickens and ducks were dead. Alim is sad. Alim cried.


Mom and Dad were busy taking out the bag from the car. Abang Imran and Kak Madinah also carried their bags into the house Aisyah was busy looking for the toys that was left between the seats in the car. Grandmother and grandfather ran to find Alim who was crying by the side of the coop.

"What are you doing here?" asked Alim's grandmother and grandfather.

"Chickens and ducks are gone!" Alim whispered while crying.

Alim does not understand why chickens and ducks are not in the coop. Alim thought all the chickens and ducks were dead. Alim is sad. Alim cried.



"Alim, tengok tu!" kata nenek sambil menunjuk ke arah sekumpulan ayam dan itik di dalam reban yang baru dibuat oleh datuk. Kelihatan datuk berdiri di hadapan reban baharu yang terletak 50 meter dari reban lama. "Kenapa ayam dan itik tinggal di sana?" tanya Alim keliru. Alim berjalan dengan nenek ke arah reban baharu. Alim berhenti menangis. Alim tersenyum melihat ayam dan itik.Alim tidak mengendahkan nenek dan datuk yang berdiri di sebelah Alim.


"Alim, look at that!" said the grandmother as she pointed to a group of chickens and ducks in the coop that had just been made by the grandfather. The grandfather was seen standing in front of the new coop which was located 50 meters from the old coop.

"Why do chickens and ducks live there?" Alim asked confused. Alim walked with his grandmother towards the new coop. Alim stopped crying. Alim smiled at the chickens and ducks. Alim ignored his grandmother and grandfather who stood next to Alim.


"Alim, look at that!" said his grandmother as she pointed to a group of chickens and ducks in the coop that had just been made byhis grandfather. His grandfather was seen standing in front of the new coop which was located 50 meters from the old coop.

"Why do chickens and ducks live there?" Alim asked confused. Alim walked with his grandmother towards the new coop. Alim stopped crying. Alim smiled at the chickens and ducks. Alim ignored his grandmother and grandfather who stood next tohim.



Setelah puas melihat ayam dan itik, Alim pun masuk ke rumah nenek dan datuk.  Alim pandang sekeliling. Alım jadi keliru melihat keadaan rumah nenek dan datuk yang berlainan daripada biasa. Alim sedih. Alim terus menangis. Alim sangkakan rumah dan datuk sudah tiada.

Nenek memujuk Alim. Nenek pegang tangan Alim sambil berjalan keliling rumah sambil bercerita tentang almari, katil, kerusi dapur kepada Alim.

Alim berhenti menangis. Alim duduk di ruang tamu sambil menonton televisyen bersama abang Imran, kak Madinah dan Aisyah.


After seeing the chickens and ducks, Alim went to his grandmother and grandfather's house. Alim look around. Alım was so confused to see the condition of his grandparents' house was different than usual. Alim is sad. Alim kept crying. Alim thought the house and grandfather were gone.

Grandma persuaded Alim. Grandma held Alim's hand while walking around the house while telling Alim about the closet, bed, kitchen chair.

Alim stopped crying. Alim sat in the living room while watching television with Imran's brother, Madinah's sister and Aisyah.


After seeing the chickens and ducks, Alim went to his grandmother and grandfather's house. Alim look around. Alım was so confused to see the condition of his grandparents' house was different than usual. Alim is sad. Alim kept crying. Alim thought his grandparents house are gone.

Grandma persuaded Alim. Grandma held Alim's hand while walking around the house while telling Alim about the closet, bed, kitchen and chair.

Alim stopped crying. Alim sat in the living room while watching television with Abang Imran, Kak Madinah and Aisyah.



Ibu dan bapa serta nenek dan datuk sedih melihat kelakuan Alim hari ini. Mereka hairan kenapa tiba tiba Alim menangis tanpa sebab. Namun, mereka cuba untuk menolong Alim.

Kelihatan dari dapur, Alim ketawa bersama abang Imran, kak Madinah dan Aisyah

Parents and grandparents as well as grandparents are sad to see Alim's behavior today. They wondered why Alim suddenly cried for no reason. However, they tried to help Alim.

Seen from the kitchen, Alim laughed with Imran's brother, Madinah's sister and Aisyah.

His parents as well as his grandparents are sad to see Alim's behavior today. They wondered why Alim suddenly cried for no reason. However, they tried to help Alim.

Seen from the kitchen, Alim laughed with Abang Imran, Kak Madinah and Aisyah.



Mereka ketawa sambil menonton cerita kartun vang tersiar di dalam televisyen.

Suasana kampung yang berlainan daripada biasa membuatkan Alim sekeluarga lebih rapat. Alim tahu di mana ayam dan itik dan reban ayam. Alim juga tahu di mana reban ayam yang baharu.


They laughed while watching the cartoon story broadcast on television.

The village atmosphere is different than usual, making Alim and his family closer. Alim knows where the chickens and ducks and chicken coops are. Alim also knows where the new chicken coop is.




Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Kedatangan minggu 2:



Kedatangan minggu 2:




Kedatangan minggu 1:

Friday, July 17, 2020

BBM3410Satu2020: Kalendar 2021

Proses menyiapkan kalendar sangat mencabar kerana ini kali pertama saya menggunakan photoshop. Komputer riba saya menjadi tidak betul setelah memuat turun photoshop. Walau bagaimanapun saya masih gigih menyiapkannya. Kali pertama menghadapi ujian itu saya hanya mampu bersangka buruk sahaja. Lama kelamaan saya redho. Sekian terima kasih.

Muka Depan













Friday, June 19, 2020

BBM3410Satu2020: PROF LIKE IG

Salam 2 like


Perbezaan kajian facebook dan twitter ialah:
1. Facebook sesuai untuk perbincangan pelajar manakala twitter sesuai untuk mendapatkan info terkini
2. Kajian mendapati pelajar gemar mengemas kini rutin dan menyatakan emosi dalam dalam twitter dan Facebook digunakan untuk pembelajaram secara tidak formal
3. Facebook membantu guru menggabungkan kerja-kerja untuk pelajar dengan lebih mudah. Di twitter pula, guru boleh berkongsi info ringkas dengan pelajar
4. Twitter membolehkan pelajar mengakses maklumat yang ringkas dan dan padat. Facebook pula boleh dikongsi info yang lebih banyak dan dan berkongsi video dan gambar yang lebih banyak
5. Twitter dapat mengasah bakat penulisan pelajar kerana perlu ditulis dengan ringkas dan padat. Facebook pula dapat membantu pelajar menghasilkan penulisan berbentuk cerita yang menarik

Noraien Mansor & Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Eh!!!Media Sosial. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Logo saya terdiri daripada keluarga Alim dalam rumah mereka dalam satu bulatan.
Mereka juga saling berpegang tangan untuk menunjukkan keakraban mereka. Logo ini menunjukkan keluarga yang bahagia dalam sebuah rumah.

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Multimedia dalam Bahasa. Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia

Friday, June 12, 2020


Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu