Monday, December 14, 2020






(198182)                                             (199783)



Buku "Kajian Wacana dan Strategi, Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi" ini merupakan buku yang mengandungi teori serta diaplikasikan dalam bentuk penyelidikan. Penyelidikan meliputi kajian lirik lagu, cerita, ujaran dan interaksi dalam perbualan. Buku ini mengandungi dua bahagian iaitu kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi. Kedua-dua bahagian berkait rapat antara satu sama lain kerana melibatkan komunikasi ujaran, interaksi, teks dan tulisan. Bab 1 mengandungi pengenalan tentang kajian wacana iaitu definisi dan konsep wacana. Bab 2 pula menjelaskan tentang teori dan pendekatan wacana. Terdapat beberapa teori dan pendekatan wacana yang dibincangkan iaitu analisis wacana dan wacana kritis. Bab 3 pula menganalisis tiga kajian wacana yang berkaitan dengan wacana tekstual lirik lagu, wacana tekstual cerita sosial dan wacana ujaran dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Setiap kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori dan pendekatan analisis wacana yang diperkenalkan dalam buku ini. Bab 4 mengandungi pengenalan tentang strategi komunikasi. Pengenalan meliputi kajian-kajian tentang strategi komunikasi yang berkaitan dengan ujaran dan interaksi yang menggunakan strategi komunikasi. Bab 5 pula membincangkan beberapa taksonomi dan pendekatan strategi komunikasi. Senarai taksonomi dan pendekatan serta huraian bagi setiap satu dipaparkan. Bab 6 mengandungi kajian strategi komunikasi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Interaksi dan ujaran kanak-kanak dianalisis dengan menggunakan taksonomi strategi komunikasi yang terkini. Bab 7 iaitu bab akhir mengandungi cadangan kajian mengenai kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi. Diharapkan buku ini dapat membantu penyelidik dalam membuat penelitian terhadap bentuk kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi.





Teks Asal

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Teks Bersih


Buku "Kajian Wacana dan Strategi, Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi" ini merupakan buku yang mengandungi teori serta diaplikasikan dalam bentuk penyelidikan. Penyelidikan meliputi kajian lirik lagu, cerita, ujaran dan interaksi dalam perbualan.

This book "Discourse Studies and Strategies, Communication: Theory and Application" is a book that contains theories and is applied in the form of research. Research covers the study of song lyrics, stories, utterances and interactions in conversation.


This book titled as "Discourse Studies and Strategies, Communication: Theory and Application" is a book that contain theories and it is applied in the form of research. Research cover the study of song lyrics, stories, utterances and interactions in conversation.


This book titled as "Discourse Studies and Strategies, Communication: Theory and Application" is a book that contain theories and it is applied in the form of research. Research cover the study of song lyrics, stories, utterances and interactions in conversation.



Buku ini mengandungi dua bahagian iaitu kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi. Kedua-dua bahagian berkait rapat antara satu sama lain kerana melibatkan komunikasi ujaran, interaksi, teks dan tulisan.

This book contains two parts, namely the study of discourse and communication strategies. The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve verbal communication, interaction, text and writing.


This book contain two parts, namely the study of discourse and communication strategies. The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve verbal communication, interaction, text and writing.


This book contain two parts, namely the study of discourse and communication strategies. The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve verbal communication, interaction, text and writing.



Bab 1 mengandungi pengenalan tentang kajian wacana iaitu definisi dan konsep wacana. Bab 2 pula menjelaskan tentang teori dan pendekatan wacana.

Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the study of discourse that is the definition and concept of discourse. Chapter 2 also explains about the theory and approach of discourse.


Chapter 1 contain an introduction to the study of discourse, namely the definition and concept of discourse. While chapter 2 explain about the theory and approach of discourse.

Chapter 1 contain an introduction to the study of discourse, namely the definition and concept of discourse. While chapter 2 explain about the theory and approach of discourse.


Terdapat beberapa teori dan pendekatan wacana yang dibincangkan iaitu analisis wacana dan wacana kritis.

There are several theories and approaches of discourse discussed namely discourse analysis and critical discourse.

There are several theories and approaches of discourse discussed namely discourse analysis and critical discourse.

There are several theories and approaches of discourse discussed namely discourse analysis and critical discourse.


Bab 3 pula menganalisis tiga kajian wacana yang berkaitan dengan wacana tekstual lirik lagu, wacana tekstual cerita sosial dan wacana ujaran dalam kalangan kanak-kanak.

Chapter 3 analyzes three discourse studies related to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and discourse discourse among children.

Chapter 3 analyzes three discourse studies related to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and discourse discourse among children.

Chapter 3 analyzes three discourse studies related to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and discourse discourse among children.


Setiap kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori dan pendekatan analisis wacana yang diperkenalkan dalam buku ini. Bab 4 mengandungi pengenalan tentang strategi komunikasi.

Each study was analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach introduced in this book. Chapter 4 contains an introduction to communication  strategies.


Each study were analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach that had been introduced in this book. Chapter 4 contain contains an introduction of communication strategies.

Each study were analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach that had been introduced in this book. Chapter 4 contain an introduction of communication strategies.


Pengenalan meliputi kajian-kajian tentang strategi komunikasi yang berkaitan dengan ujaran dan interaksi yang menggunakan strategi komunikasi.Bab 5 pula membincangkan beberapa taksonomi dan pendekatan strategi komunikasi.

The introduction covers studies on communication strategies related to utterances and interactions that use communication strategies. Chapter 5 discusses some taxonomies and communication strategy approaches.

The introduction of the studies covered about communication strategies related to utterances and interactions that used communication strategies. Chapter 5 discussed about some taxonomies and communication strategy approaches.

The introduction of the studies covered about communication strategies related to utterances and interactions that used communication strategies. Chapter 5 discussed about some taxonomies and communication strategy approaches.


Senarai taksonomi dan pendekatan serta huraian bagi setiap satu dipaparkan. Bab 6 mengandungi kajian strategi komunikasi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak.

A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as descriptions for each is displayed. Chapter 6 contains a study of communication strategies among children.

A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as the description for each was is displayed. Chapter 6 contain contains a study of communication strategies among the children.

A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as the description for each wa displayed. Chapter 6 contain a study of communication strategies among the children.


Interaksi dan ujaran kanak-kanak dianalisis dengan menggunakan taksonomi strategi komunikasi yang terkini.

Children's interactions and utterances are analyzed using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies.

Children’s interaction and utterancesutternces are analyzed by using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies.

Children’s interaction and utterances are analyzed by using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies.


Bab 7 iaitu bab akhir mengandungi cadangan kajian mengenai kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi. Diharapkan buku ini dapat membantu penyelidik dalam membuat penelitian terhadap bentuk kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi.

Chapter 7 which is the final chapter contains research proposals on the study of discourse and communication strategies. It is hoped that this book can help researchers in conducting research on the form of discourse studies and communication strategies.


Chapter 7 which  is the final chapter that contain contains research proposals on the study of discourse and communication strategies. In hoped that this book can help researchers when conducting research on the form of discourse studies and communication strategies.

Chapter 7 which is the final chapter that contain research proposals on the study of discourse and communication strategies. In hoped that this book can help researchers when conducting research on the form of discourse studies and communication strategies.


Opening words


This book titled as "Discourse Studies and Strategies, Communication: Theory and Application" is a book that contain theories and it is applied in the form of research. Research cover the study of song lyrics, stories, utterances and interactions in conversation. This book contain two parts, namely the study of discourse and communication strategies. The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve verbal communication, interaction, text and writing. Chapter 1 contain an introduction to the study of discourse, namely the definition and concept of discourse. While chapter 2 explain about the theory and approach of discourse. There are several theories and approaches of discourse discussed namely discourse analysis and critical discourse. Chapter 3 analyzes three discourse studies related to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and discourse discourse among children. Each study were analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach that had been introduced in this book. Chapter 4 contain an introduction of communication strategies. The introduction of the studies covered about communication strategies related to utterances and interactions that used communication strategies. Chapter 5 discussed about some taxonomies and communication strategy approaches. A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as the description for each wa displayed. Chapter 6 contain a study of communication strategies among the children. Children’s interaction and utterances are analyzed by using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies. Chapter 7 which is the final chapter that contain research proposals on the study of discourse and communication strategies. In hoped that this book can help researchers when conducting research on the form of discourse studies and communication strategies.







Wacana merupakan bahasa daripada individu atau kumpulan dalam bentuk ujaran, interaksi, teks dan tulinan. Wacana ialah keseluruhan pelahiran bahasa oleh penutur atau penulis, iaitu sistem bahasa dan unsur-unsur luar daripada sistem bahasa yang menyumbang ke arah menjadikan pertuturan atau tulisan berkenaan sebagai sesuatu yang bermakna dalam berkomunikasi (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Wacana didefinisikan sebagai unit bahasa yang mempunyai kesantunan fikiran dan melebihi batas ayat. Dalam hierarki bahasa wacana terletak pada tingkat yang tertingi,iaitu hadir selepas tingkat ayat. Wacana mengandungi sistem komunikasi antara dua atau lebih orang. Selain itu, wacana juga boleh distilahkan melalui tulisan dan bacaan daripada seseorang. Namun, wacana seharusnya mengandungi ayat yang bermakna serta mengandungi situasi yang dikaitkan dengan ayat tersebut. Justeru, wacana dapat difahami dengan baik oleh seseorang. Wacana merupakan keseluruhan tutur suatu kesatuan, ujaran, ucapan, pertuturan dan percakapan. Selain itu, wacana juga dilihat dari aspek penulisan yang ditulis oleh penulis melalui buku, majalah, akhbar, makalah dan segala bentuk tulisan. Di dalam bentuk perbincangan atau pertukaran idea secara lisan, wacana dapat dikenal pasti dengan lebih baik. Seseorang individu itu mengadakan perbincangan berbentuk ilmu, pengalaman, penceritaan dan sebagainya. Kesatuan fikiran sama ada dalam bentuk lisan seperti pidato, khutbah, debat, syarahan, perbualan dan sebagainya atau tulisan seperti surat, artikel, novel, cerpen, puisi dan sebagainya dapat dilihat dan difahami dengan lebih baik melalui pengetahuan tentang teori dan pembacaan karya yang berbentuk sastera. Hawthorn (1992) mengemukakan definisi wacana sebagai komunikasi kebahasaan yang dilihat sebagai pertukaran antara pembicara dan pendengar dengan mengambil kira tajuk perbincangan dan persekitaran. Definisi wacana dapat dilihat dari pelbagai aspek. Melalui aspek sosiologi, wacana merujuk pada hubungan konteks sosial dalam pemakaian bahasa sedangkan dari segi linguistik pula, wacana adalah unit bahasa yang lebih besar daripada kalimat. Fowler (1991) mengatakan bahawa wacana merupakan komunikasi lisan dan tulisan yang dilihat daripada titik pandangan kepercayaan, nilai dan kategori yang terdapat di dalamnya. Brown & Yule 1983) menegaskan bahawa wacana boleh dilihat melalui lisan dan tulisan yang dianalisis bagi tujuan pemahaman yang lebih baik. Stubbs (1983) juga bersetuju dengan Brown & Yule (1983) dan menyatakan bahawa aspek linguistik harus diterapkan bagi tujuan analisis wacana.

Berikut adalah antara beberapa definisi wacana:

1. Edmonson (1981)- Wacana adalah suatu peristiwa berstruktur yang dimanifestasikan dalam perilaku lingustik bahasa atau yang lainnya

2. Kamus Dewan (Edisi Keempat) - Wacana merupakan keseluruhan tutur yang merupakankesatuan, ucapan, pertuturan, percakapan dan perbincangan atau pertukaran idea secara lisan. Ia juga merupakan kesatuan fikiran yang utuh sama ada dalam bentuk lisan ataupun tulisan.

3. Asmah Haji Omar (1986) - Wacana ialah keseluruhan pelahiran bahasa oleh penutur atau penulis, iaitu sistem bahasa dan unsur luar daripada sistem bahasa yang menyumbang ke arah menjadikan pertuturan atau tulisan berkenaan sebagai sesuatu yang bermakna dalam komunikasi.

4. Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985) - Wacana adalah unit bahasa yang melebihi batas ayat iaitu boleh terdiri daripada ayat, sejumlah ayat, ceraian, bab, buku, cerita, dialog dan sebagainya yang dalamnya memperlihatkan hubungan dan perkembangan fikiran yang berturutan. Dengan perkataan lain, wacana adalah satu satuan bahasa yang lengkap.

5. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014) - Wacana adalah bahasa yang dilahirkan oleh penutur atau penulis. Bahasa yang ditutur serta ditulis mengandungi makna serta difahami oleh pendengar atau pembaca.

6. Stubss (1983) - Wacana dapat dilihat melalui sistem tutur dan tulisan, mempunyai makna serta difahami oleh pendengar dan pembaca.

7. Brown & Yule (1983) - Wacana boleh dilihat melalui tulisan dan tulisan yang dianalisis untuk tujuan yang lebih baik.

8. Halliday & Hassan (1985) - Wacana terdiri daripada apa jua kalimat sama ada tulisan atau tulisan (tidak kira panjang atau pendek) yang mempunyai makna keseluruhan.

9. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b) - Wacana meliputi ujaran, interaksi, tulisan dan teks yang dianalisis bagi tujuan mencari makna tersirat dan tersurat.  Wacana juga menggunakan bahasa simbol, warna dan apa jua yang memberi makna kepada semua pihak yang terlibat.




Definisi wacana dapat difahami dengan jelas dengan memberitahu kepada wacana bentuk teks, tulisan, ujaran dan interaksi.  Adalah wajar setiap wacana difokus dan dianalisis dengan teliti supaya analisis boleh difahami dengan jelas.  Pemahaman setiap wacana yang dilihat sebagai satu perkara yang mudah apabila seseorang itu faham akan tujuan setiap wacana yang disampaikan.  Malah, akan lebih jelas lagi dihuraikan dengan lebih terperinci dan teliti.


Chapter 1


Discourse is the language of individuals or groups in the form of utterances, interactions, texts and essays. Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, that is, the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards the making speech or writing as something meaningful in communicating (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Discourse is defined as a unit of language that has politeness of mind and exceeds sentence limits. In the hierarchy of discourse language lies at the highest level, i.e. present after the sentence level. Discourse contain a system of communication between two or more people. In addition, discourse can also be termed through writing and reading from someone. However, the discourse should contain meaningful sentences as well as contain situations associated with the sentence. Thus, discourse can be well understood by one. Discourse is the whole speech of a union, utterance, speech, speech and conversation. In addition, discourse is also seen from the aspect of writing written by the author through books, magazines, newspapers, papers and all forms of writing. In the form of verbal discussion or exchange of ideas, discourse can be identified better. An individual holds discussions in the form of knowledge, experience, storytelling and so on. Unity of mind whether in oral form such as speeches, sermons, debates, lectures, conversations and so on or writings such as letters, articles, novels, short stories, poems and so on can be seen and understood better through knowledge of theory and reading of literary works. Hawthorn (1992) states that the definition of discourse as linguistic communication seen as an exchange between speaker and listener taking into account the topic of discussion and the environment. The definition of discourse can be seen from various aspects. Through the sociological aspect, discourse refers to the relationship of social context in the use of language while in terms of linguistics, discourse is a unit of language that is larger than a sentence. Fowler (1991) says that discourse is oral and written communication seen from the point of view of beliefs, values and categories found in it. Brown & Yule 1983) asserted that discourse can be viewed through oral and written analysis for the purpose of better understanding. Stubbs (1983) also agrees with Brown & Yule (1983) and states that linguistic aspects should be applied for the purpose of discourse analysis.

These are some of the definitions of discourse:

1.Edmonson (1981)- Discourse is a structured event that is manifested in the linguistic behavior of a language or other.

2.Kamus Dewan (Edisi Keempat)- Discourse include the whole speech which is a union speech, speech conversation and discussion or exchange of ideas orally. It is also a whole unit of thought whether in oral or written form.

3. Asmah Haji Omar (1986) – Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer where the language system and external elements from the language system that contribute to the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication.

4. Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985) – Discourse is a unit of language that exceeds the sentence limit that can consist of sentences, a number of sentences, divorce, chapters, books, stories, dialogues and other examples that show the relationship and development of consecutive thoughts. In other words, discourse is a complete unit of language.

5. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014) – Discourse is the language that  delivered by the speaker or writer. The language that had been spoken and written contains a meaning and it isunderstood by the listener or reader.

6. Stubss (1983) – Discourse can be seen through the system of speech and writing, it has a meaning and been understood by listeners and readers.

7. Brown & Yule (1983) - Discourse can be seen through writing and writing analyzed for better purpose.

8. Halliday & Hassan (1985) - Discourse consist of any sentence whether written or written (regardless of length or short) that has an overall meaning.

9. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b) - Discourse include utterances, interactions, writings and texts analyzed for the purpose of finding implicit and explicit meaning. Discourse also use the language of symbols, colors and anything that gives meaning to all parties involved


The definition of discourse can be clearly understood by telling the discourse in the form of text, writing, utterance and interaction. It is desirable that each discourse be focused and analyzed carefully so that the analysis can be clearly understood. Understanding each discourse is seen as an easy thing when one understand the purpose of each discourse delivered. In fact, it will be more clearly elaborated and more detailed.


Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Kedatangan minggu 4:



Seorang anak bernama Alim telah disuruh oleh ibunya untuk pergi ke pejabat pos. Ibunya ingin menyuruh Alim menghantar surat berkaitan kerja ibunya ke Singapura. Alim membesar di UK dan jarang pergi ke pejabat pos. Jadi dia tidak biasa dengan arahan ibunya itu. Setelah sampai ke pejabat pos, Alim membeli setem. Alim memaklumkan kepada ibunya bahawa dia sudah membeli setem yang berharga RM20 melalui mesej. Ibunya menyuruh Alim untuk menampal setem supaya dapat menghantar surat tersebut. Ibunya menunggu hampir 15 minit namun masih tidak dapat maklum balas daripada Alim. Ibunya bertanya kepada Alim sama ada dia sudah berjaya menghantar surat tersebut atau tidak. Namun begitu, Alim mengatakan sudah lama dia mencuba untuk membuka lapisan belakang setem tersebut kerana dia menyangka setem itu pelekat. Ibunya tidak mampu berkata apa-apa kerana ibu risau jika dia menegur Alim, Alim tidak mahu menghantar suratnya itu. Jadi ibu Alim pun menerangkan kepada Alim bahawa setem itu sudah ada gamnya di belakang. Alim hanya perlu menjilat atau membasahkan bahagian belakang tersebut. Alim terkejut kerana dia tidak menyangka setem hanya perlu ditampal dengan cara itu sahaja. Alim gembira akhirnya dia dapat menampal setem tersebut.

Kedatangan minggu 4:




Kedatangan minggu 4:





(198182)                                             (199783)


Teks Asal

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Teks Bersih




Saya berasa puas hati

Menolong ibu bapa setiap hari

Bermula di pagi hari

Sehingga malam nanti


Ibu bapa yang disayangi

Saya tetap berhati-hati

Menjaga budi pekerti

Keluarga saya yang dicintai


Saya sayang ibu dan bapa

Abang, kakak, adik dan saudara

Mereka semua ada bersama

Semasa saya memerlukan mereka



I am satisfied

Helping parents every day

Starting in the morning

Until later night


Dear parents

I remain careful

Caring for the character of

My beloved family


I love my parents

Brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters

They are all  there together

When I need them



I am satisfied

Everyday my parents will be helped

Ever since morning start,

Until the night is set.                                     


Dear parents

Carefully Ii tried to always

Maintain a good manners

To my beloved lovely families


I love my mother and father

Brother, sister and cousins

They always together They was there when Iim in needs




I am satisfied

Everyday my parents will be helped

Since morning start

Until the night is set                                     


Dear parents

Carefully I tried to always

Maintain a good manners

To my beloved families


I love my mother and father

Brother, sister and cousins

They always together They was there when I’m in needs





Saya belajar setiap masa

Sifat sabar diambil kira

Dugaan besar selalu ada

Dikongsi bersama keluarga


Saya seorang yang baik hati

Jujur dan ikhlas di dalam diri

Saya belajar berdikari

Menolong orang setiap hari


Baik hati nurani

Kuatkan jati diri

Mulia peribadi

Perasaan tenang tidak terperi


Kawan-kawan semua

Inilah saya yang istimewa

Saya sentiasa berusaha

Menjadi insan yang berguna



I learn all the time

Patience is taken into account

Big allegations are always there

Shared with family


I am a kind-hearted person

Honest and sincere in myself

I learn to be independent

Helping people every day


Good conscience

Strengthen self-esteem

Personal dignity
The feeling of calm is unbearable


Friends all

This is my special

I always strive

To be a useful human being



I learn all the time

Patience will be counted

Big obstacle will always be there all the time

With family, it will be divided



I am a kind-hearted person

Honest and sincere person

I learn to be an independent person

All the time helping person


Good conscience

Strengthen self-confidence

Personal magnificence

The feeling of calm is beyond endurance


All my friend

This is me, a special human being

I always strive without end

To be a useful human being



I learn all the time

Patience will be counted

Big obstacle will always be there all the time

With family, it will be divided



I am a kind-hearted person

Honest and sincere person

I learn to be an independent person

All the time helping person


Good conscience

Strengthen self-confidence

Personal magnificence

The feeling of calm is beyond endurance


All my friend

This is me, a special human being

I always strive without end



Saya yang Istimewa


Saya yang istimewa

Dilihat orang setiap masa

Kasih sayang dikongsi bersama

Abang kakak dan adik serta ibu bapa


Saya yang istimewa

Bersikap baik sesama manusia

Saya dilihat berlainan rupa Semangat positif dikongsi bersama


Saya dengan dunia

Belajar berdikari setiap masa

Hormati orang lebih dewasa

Satu perkara disanjungi bersama

I am special


I am special

I am seen by people all the time

Love is shared with my brothers and sisters and parents


I am special

Be kind to my fellow human beings

I am seen in different ways

Positive spirit is shared


I am with the world

Learn to be independent all the time

Respect older people

One thing to praise together

I am special


I am special

Be seen by people all the times

We shared our loved equal

Brother, sister and my parents


                    I am special

Being kind to everyone

People see me special I am seen in different ways

Positive vibe is being shared by everyoneEverybody shared positive vibe


The world together with meThe world and I

Learning to be independent all the time

Respect the eldersolder people

Something that shows an honoursTogether we hold that one thing to be praised

I am special


I am special

Be seen by people all the times

We shared our loved equal

Brother, sister and my parents


I am special

Being kind to everyone

People see me special

Positive vibe is being shared by everyone


The world togethe with me

Learning to be independent all the time

Respect the elders

Something that shows an honours


Saya Tahu


Saya cuba memahami

Diri saya sendiri

Mengapa jadi begini

Ayah dan ibu susah hati


Hati saya siapa yang tahu

Saya sendiri jadi keliru

Ingin menangis seperti selalu

Air mata keluar menderu


Saya tahu

Semua mahu

Soalan bertalu-talu

Senyum membisu

I Know


I Try to Understand


Why is it like this

Dad and mom are upset


My heart who knows

I myself so confused

Want to cry like always

Tears come out roar


I know

All want

Frequent questions

Smile mute

I know


I try to be more understandingI Try to Understand

About my presentfMy ownself

Why is it happeninglike this

Dad and mom are upset


No one knows what it is in my heart

Even I am confused about what is in my heart

Want to cry like usually

Tears roar out emotionally


I know

Everyone want to know

Questioning persistently

Smiling silently

I know


I try to be more understanding

About my present

Why is it happening Dad and mom are upset


No one knows what it is in my heart

Even I am confused about what is in my heart

Want to cry like usually

Tears roar out emotionally


I know

Everyone want to know

Questioning persistently

Smiling silently



Saya Faham


Saya kata "Apa khabar

Dia jawab "Khabar baik

Ucapan untuk dia

Ucapan untuk saya


Selamat pagi, tengah hari, petang, malam

Untuk dia

Untuk saya


Terima kasih


Untuk dia

Untuk saya


Terima kasih


Untuk kita

Untuk mereka

I Understand

I said "How are you

He replied "Good news

Greetings to him

Greetings to me


Good morning, noon, evening, night

For him

For me


Thank you

Are equally

For him

For me


Thank you

Are equally

For us

For them


I Understand


I said “how are you”

He replied “find thank you”

He greets

I greets


Good morning, noon, evening, night

For him

For me


Thank you

You areYour welcome

For you

For me


Thank youThank you

You are welcomeAre equally

For us

For them


I Understand


I said “how are you”

He replied “find thank you”

He greets

I greets


Good morning, noon, evening, night

For him

For me


Thank you

You are welcome

For you

For me


Thank you

You are welcome

For us

For them



Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

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