Monday, December 14, 2020






(198182)                                             (199783)

Strategi Singkatan Perkataan


S1: Awak pergi tak semalam?

S2: Tak. Mak saya tak bagi. Awak pergi tak?

S10: Eh, dia datang kat sana ke?

S10: Mak dia ni yang marah saya semalam.



S1: You went not yesterday?

S2: Don't. I'm not for. You went not?

S10: Eh, he came kat there to?

S10: Mak him ni who annoyed me yesterday



S1: Yesterday did you go?

S2: No. My mother does not allow me. Did you go?

S10: Huh, he do go there to?      

S10: His mother scold me yesterday.









Perkataan Baharu Tiada Makna


S4: Orang kat kedai kat tepi jalan itu memang bombom?

S10: Saya guna kayu tong itu.

S10: Panaslah kat luar itu. Macam weng je kepala saya nanti.




S4: The people clock the roadside shop is indeed a bombom?

S10: I use the wood of the barrel.

S10: Heat up the outside. Like weng je my head later.



S4: The people at the roadside shop is beautiful.

S10: I use the wood of the barrel.

S10: It’s getting hot out there. It gives me a headache.





S7: Saya tak ambil pensel awak tau.

S8: Dia tak buatlah.

S9: Bukan dia yang makan tadi.

S10: Dia tak pergi sanalah.


S4: Awak salahlah. Dia yang betul.

S5: Eh bukan yang itu. Mesti yang depan itu.

S6: Taklah. Jawapan itu salah.

S7: Saya tak suka lah dia jawab macam itu.



S7: I don't take your pencils.

S8: He didn't do it.

S9: Not him who ate it earlier.

S10: He didn't go there.


S4: You're wrong. He's the right one.

S5: Eh isn't that one. Must that front.

S6: No. The answer is wrong.

S7: I don't like him to answer that sort of.






S7: I did not take your pencils.

S8: He didn’t do it.

S9: It is not him who ate the food earlier.

S10: He didn’t go there.


S4: You're wrong. He's the right one.

S5: Eh, not that one. Must be the front one.

S6: No. The answer is wrong

S7: I don’t like him to answer like that.





S1: Kenapa dia jawab macam itu?

S2: Siapa yang pergi kedai semalam?

S3: Kedai tu besar ke?

S4: Dia pergi mana?



S1: Why did he answer that sort of?

S2: Who went shop yesterday?

S3: Big tu shop to?

S4: He's gone where?



S1: Why did he answer like that.

S2: Who went to the shop yesterday?

S3: Is it that the big shop?

S4: Where did he go?





S4: Dia pergi. Dia pergi juga semalam.

S5: Tak baiklah. Tak baik dia cakap macam tu.

S6: Jangan buat. Jangan buat lagi tau.

S7: Saya tak suka. Saya kata saya tak suka.



S4: He's gone. He went too yesterday.

S5: Not good. Not good he speaks like tu.

S6: Don't do it. Don't do it again.

S7: I don't like it. I say I don't like it.


S4: He’s gone. He also went yesterday.

S5: Disrespectful. It is not appriopriate for him to speak that way.

S6: Don’t do it. Don’t do it again

S7: I don’t like it. I say i don’t like it.




S7: Budak lelaki yang datang semalam ke?

S8: Kedai yang besar tepi jalan tu?

S9: Dia datang jumpa saya tadi. Dia tulah.

S10: Saya main bola kat padang belakang sekolah tu.



S7: Boy who came yesterday to?

S8: Big shop roadside tu?

S9: He came across me earlier. He's the tulah

S10: I played the ball kat on the back pitch of the school tu.



S7: Boy who came yesterday too?

S8: The big shop at the roadside?

S9: He came across me earlier. He’s the one.

S10: I played football at the back of my school.



Pembetulan Kendiri


S4: Saya tak suka main bola. Eh, silap! Saya suka main bola.

S5: Saya pun. Maksud saya, saya suka main bola.

S6: Saya tak faham awak berdua ni. Awak bukan pandai main pun.



S4: I don't like playing balls. Eh, wrong! I love playing ball.

S5: I am. I mean, I love playing balls.

S6: I don't understand you both. You're not good at playing.



S4: I don’t like to play balls. No, i’m wrong! I love to play ball.

S5: Me too. What i mean is, i love playing balls.

S6: I don’t understand the both of you. You’re not even good at it.



Topik Berlainan/Pengabaian Mesej


S1: Kedai tu ada jual permainan kita tak?

S2: Tak ada. Eh, S3. Kenapa awak tak bawa pensel saya?

S3: Pensel mana pulak?

S1: Pensel merah tu lah.



S1: Tu shop has to sell our game not?

S2: None. Eh, S3. Why didn't you bring my pencil?

S3: Which pencils are there?

S1: Red pencil tu lah



S1: Does the shop sell our toys?

S2: No, S3. Why didn’t you bring you bring any pencil?

S3: Which pencils are there?

S1: That red pencil.





S5: Esok kita.....

S6: Jap, kita main bola ke?

S7: Ha ah. Awak nak main ke?



S5: Tomorrow we......

S6: Jap, we play the ball to?

S7: Ha ah. You want to play to?



S5: Tomorrow we......

S6: Wait, did we play the ball too?

S7: Yes. Do you want to play it too?




S6: Hah ah. Dia yang buat.

S9: Hmm



S6: Hah ah. He did.

S9: Hmm


S6: Yes. He did it.

S9: Hmm



Terjemahan Literal


S1: I go shop yesterday

S4: I don’t like eat that.



S1: I go shop yesterday

S4: I don’t like eat that



S1: I go to the shop yesterday

S4: I don’t like to eat it




Pertukaran Bahasa


S8: No no no. Saya tak suka itu.

S9: I don’t like benda tu. Tak Sedap

S10: What? Awak tak pergi kedai semalam?



S8: No no no. I don’t like that.

S9: I don’t like things. Not good.

S10: What? You didn’t go shop yesterday?



S8: No no no. I don’t like it.

S9: I don’t like it. It is not delicious.

S10: What? You didn’t go to the shop yesterday?












S6: Awak bayangkan dia lompat macam kucing dalam cerita kartun semalam.

S7: Rupa dia macam gergasi yang kita lukis hari tu kan.

S8: Kedai tu kalau ada sayap, mesti terbang.



S6: You imagine he jumped like a cat in a cartoon story yesterday.

S7: The look of him like a giant that we draw a day of right.

S8: Shop if there is a wing, must fly.



S6: You imagine he jumped like a cat in a cartoon story yesterday.

S7: The look of him like a giant that we draw that day right.

S8: If there’s a wing for the shop. It must be flying now.





S1: Maafkan saya. Saya ingatkan ini kerusi saya.

S4: Terima kasih kerana tolong saya semalam.

S8: Sama-sama. Nanti esok kita pergi sama ya.

S9: Nanti saya tolong awak bawa kotak itu.



S1: Excuse me. I remind this of my seat.

S4: Thank you for my help yesterday

S8: You are welcome. Tomorrow we go the same yes.

S9: Later I help you bring that box



S1: Excuse me. I thought this is my seat.

S4: Thank you for helping me yesterday

S8: You’re welcome. Tomorrow we go together.

S9: Later I will help you bring that box





S2: Awak ni tak boleh susahkan mak awak tu. Kesian dia.

S3: Maksud awak, saya ni menyusahkan dan tak kesian kat mak saya ke?



S2: You can't make it hard for you. Lonely he is.

S3: You mean, I'm inconvenient and inconvenient to me?



S2: Don’t make it hard for your mother. Pity on her.

S3: You mean is, i a burden to my mother and did not pity on her is it?



Meminta Pertolongan


S2: Awak tolong tolak kerusi itu ke sini.

S3: Yang ni ke?

S4: Ya

S3: Awak pun tolonglah ubah meja tu ke kanan.



S2: You please push the seat here.

S3: Which is ni to?

S4: Yes

S3: You'll help change your desk to the right.



S2: Can you help me push the chair over here.

S3: Is this the one?

S4: Yes

S3: Help me rearrange the desk to the right.


Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Kedatangan minggu 6: Bukti emel yang dihantar kepada prof tepat pada masa yang ditetapkan oleh prof.







(198182)                                             (199783)

Strategi Singkatan Perkataan


S1: Awak pergi tak semalam?

S2: Tak. Mak saya tak bagi. Awak pergi tak?

S10: Eh, dia datang kat sana ke?

S10: Mak dia ni yang marah saya semalam.



S1: You went not yesterday?

S2: Don't. I'm not for. You went not?

S10: Eh, he came kat there to?

S10: Mak him ni who annoyed me yesterday



S1: Yesterday did you go?

S2: No. My mother does not allow me. Did you go?

S10: Huh, he do go there to?      

S10: His mother scold me yesterday.









Perkataan Baharu Tiada Makna


S4: Orang kat kedai kat tepi jalan itu memang bombom?

S10: Saya guna kayu tong itu.

S10: Panaslah kat luar itu. Macam weng je kepala saya nanti.




S4: The people clock the roadside shop is indeed a bombom?

S10: I use the wood of the barrel.

S10: Heat up the outside. Like weng je my head later.



S4: The people at the roadside shop is beautiful.

S10: I use the wood of the barrel.

S10: It’s getting hot out there. It gives me a headache.





S7: Saya tak ambil pensel awak tau.

S8: Dia tak buatlah.

S9: Bukan dia yang makan tadi.

S10: Dia tak pergi sanalah.


S4: Awak salahlah. Dia yang betul.

S5: Eh bukan yang itu. Mesti yang depan itu.

S6: Taklah. Jawapan itu salah.

S7: Saya tak suka lah dia jawab macam itu.



S7: I don't take your pencils.

S8: He didn't do it.

S9: Not him who ate it earlier.

S10: He didn't go there.


S4: You're wrong. He's the right one.

S5: Eh isn't that one. Must that front.

S6: No. The answer is wrong.

S7: I don't like him to answer that sort of.






S7: I did not take your pencils.

S8: He didn’t do it.

S9: It is not him who ate the food earlier.

S10: He didn’t go there.


S4: You're wrong. He's the right one.

S5: Eh, not that one. Must be the front one.

S6: No. The answer is wrong

S7: I don’t like him to answer like that.





S1: Kenapa dia jawab macam itu?

S2: Siapa yang pergi kedai semalam?

S3: Kedai tu besar ke?

S4: Dia pergi mana?



S1: Why did he answer that sort of?

S2: Who went shop yesterday?

S3: Big tu shop to?

S4: He's gone where?



S1: Why did he answer like that.

S2: Who went to the shop yesterday?

S3: Is it that the big shop?

S4: Where did he go?





S4: Dia pergi. Dia pergi juga semalam.

S5: Tak baiklah. Tak baik dia cakap macam tu.

S6: Jangan buat. Jangan buat lagi tau.

S7: Saya tak suka. Saya kata saya tak suka.



S4: He's gone. He went too yesterday.

S5: Not good. Not good he speaks like tu.

S6: Don't do it. Don't do it again.

S7: I don't like it. I say I don't like it.


S4: He’s gone. He also went yesterday.

S5: Disrespectful. It is not appriopriate for him to speak that way.

S6: Don’t do it. Don’t do it again

S7: I don’t like it. I say i don’t like it.




S7: Budak lelaki yang datang semalam ke?

S8: Kedai yang besar tepi jalan tu?

S9: Dia datang jumpa saya tadi. Dia tulah.

S10: Saya main bola kat padang belakang sekolah tu.



S7: Boy who came yesterday to?

S8: Big shop roadside tu?

S9: He came across me earlier. He's the tulah

S10: I played the ball kat on the back pitch of the school tu.



S7: Boy who came yesterday too?

S8: The big shop at the roadside?

S9: He came across me earlier. He’s the one.

S10: I played football at the back of my school.



Pembetulan Kendiri


S4: Saya tak suka main bola. Eh, silap! Saya suka main bola.

S5: Saya pun. Maksud saya, saya suka main bola.

S6: Saya tak faham awak berdua ni. Awak bukan pandai main pun.



S4: I don't like playing balls. Eh, wrong! I love playing ball.

S5: I am. I mean, I love playing balls.

S6: I don't understand you both. You're not good at playing.



S4: I don’t like to play balls. No, i’m wrong! I love to play ball.

S5: Me too. What i mean is, i love playing balls.

S6: I don’t understand the both of you. You’re not even good at it.



Topik Berlainan/Pengabaian Mesej


S1: Kedai tu ada jual permainan kita tak?

S2: Tak ada. Eh, S3. Kenapa awak tak bawa pensel saya?

S3: Pensel mana pulak?

S1: Pensel merah tu lah.



S1: Tu shop has to sell our game not?

S2: None. Eh, S3. Why didn't you bring my pencil?

S3: Which pencils are there?

S1: Red pencil tu lah



S1: Does the shop sell our toys?

S2: No, S3. Why didn’t you bring you bring any pencil?

S3: Which pencils are there?

S1: That red pencil.





S5: Esok kita.....

S6: Jap, kita main bola ke?

S7: Ha ah. Awak nak main ke?



S5: Tomorrow we......

S6: Jap, we play the ball to?

S7: Ha ah. You want to play to?



S5: Tomorrow we......

S6: Wait, did we play the ball too?

S7: Yes. Do you want to play it too?




S6: Hah ah. Dia yang buat.

S9: Hmm



S6: Hah ah. He did.

S9: Hmm


S6: Yes. He did it.

S9: Hmm



Terjemahan Literal


S1: I go shop yesterday

S4: I don’t like eat that.



S1: I go shop yesterday

S4: I don’t like eat that



S1: I go to the shop yesterday

S4: I don’t like to eat it




Pertukaran Bahasa


S8: No no no. Saya tak suka itu.

S9: I don’t like benda tu. Tak Sedap

S10: What? Awak tak pergi kedai semalam?



S8: No no no. I don’t like that.

S9: I don’t like things. Not good.

S10: What? You didn’t go shop yesterday?



S8: No no no. I don’t like it.

S9: I don’t like it. It is not delicious.

S10: What? You didn’t go to the shop yesterday?












S6: Awak bayangkan dia lompat macam kucing dalam cerita kartun semalam.

S7: Rupa dia macam gergasi yang kita lukis hari tu kan.

S8: Kedai tu kalau ada sayap, mesti terbang.



S6: You imagine he jumped like a cat in a cartoon story yesterday.

S7: The look of him like a giant that we draw a day of right.

S8: Shop if there is a wing, must fly.



S6: You imagine he jumped like a cat in a cartoon story yesterday.

S7: The look of him like a giant that we draw that day right.

S8: If there’s a wing for the shop. It must be flying now.





S1: Maafkan saya. Saya ingatkan ini kerusi saya.

S4: Terima kasih kerana tolong saya semalam.

S8: Sama-sama. Nanti esok kita pergi sama ya.

S9: Nanti saya tolong awak bawa kotak itu.



S1: Excuse me. I remind this of my seat.

S4: Thank you for my help yesterday

S8: You are welcome. Tomorrow we go the same yes.

S9: Later I help you bring that box



S1: Excuse me. I thought this is my seat.

S4: Thank you for helping me yesterday

S8: You’re welcome. Tomorrow we go together.

S9: Later I will help you bring that box





S2: Awak ni tak boleh susahkan mak awak tu. Kesian dia.

S3: Maksud awak, saya ni menyusahkan dan tak kesian kat mak saya ke?



S2: You can't make it hard for you. Lonely he is.

S3: You mean, I'm inconvenient and inconvenient to me?



S2: Don’t make it hard for your mother. Pity on her.

S3: You mean is, i a burden to my mother and did not pity on her is it?



Meminta Pertolongan


S2: Awak tolong tolak kerusi itu ke sini.

S3: Yang ni ke?

S4: Ya

S3: Awak pun tolonglah ubah meja tu ke kanan.



S2: You please push the seat here.

S3: Which is ni to?

S4: Yes

S3: You'll help change your desk to the right.



S2: Can you help me push the chair over here.

S3: Is this the one?

S4: Yes

S3: Help me rearrange the desk to the right.




Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi. Terengganu: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Kedatangan minggu 6: Bukti emel yang dihantar kepada prof tepat pada masa yang ditetapkan oleh prof.



Prof Dr. Normaliza menceritakan pengalamannya tinggal di UK selama enam tahun. Beliau mencari rumah sewa berdekatan dengan kedai-kedai Pakistan. Hal ini kerana beliau ingin mudah mendapatkan makanan halal. Terdapat persatuan pelajar yang biasanya akan menyambut pelajar Malaysia yang tiba di lapangan terbang. Walaupun tinggal 4 jam daripada London, mereka akan datang menyambut pelajar. Kawasan yang beliau duduk memang amat mudah untuk melakukan ibadah kerana ada masjid terdekat. Kawasan tersebut sesuai untuk orang Melayu tinggal. Walau bagaimanapun timbul masalah apabila terlalu ramai komuniti Melayu dalam satu kawasan. Masalah itu ialah orang sesama Melayu sendiri mengelak untuk bertegur dengan komuniti sendiri. Misalnya, prof berjumpa dengan orang Melayu di pasar raya, tetapi orang itu mengelak kerana tidak mahu ditegur. Selepas insiden itu, prof membuat keputusan untuk tidak bertegur atau mesra dengan orang Melayu yang dijumpai dan hanya sekadar memberi senyuman sahaja. Prof beranggapan orang yang mengelak untuk ditegur itu juga mengalami situasi yang sama jadi prof tidak berkecil hati. Walaupun tinggal di luar negara, tidak semua orang berfikiran sama iaitu gembira berjumpa sesama rakyat Malaysia. Prof mengatakan bahawa apabila tinggal di luar negara, kita akan lebih menghargai dan bangga menjadi orang Malaysia. Pesanan terakhir  yang dibuat daripada cerita tentang pengalaman prof ialah jangan tinggal di luar negara.

Kedatangan minggu 6: Bukti emel yang dihantar kepada prof tepat seperti masa yang ditetapkan oleh prof